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This repo has been deprecated in favor of a new one, which is using the Truffle framework and a new JavaScript API wrapper for clients to integrate:

Kredits Contracts

This repository contains source code and related files for the Ethereum smart contracts, which are issuing and managing Kosmos Kredits.

Getting started

Add kredits-contracts as dependency to your project:

npm install --save kredits-contracts
const kreditsContracts = require('kredits-contracts');
const Web3 = require('web3');

let contracts = kreditsContracts(web3);
let Kredits = contracts['Kredits'];
let Token = contracts['Token'];

// sync contract calls (not supported by all web3 configurations)

// async contract calls
Kredits.contributorsCount(c => console.log);

This package comes with pre-configured, default contract addresses for dev (our KreditsChain on, test (kovan) and the main ethereum network. You can also provide your custom contract addresses:

let contracts = kreditsContracts(web3, {
  Kredits: {address: 'x0kredits'},
  Token:   {address: 'x0token'}

Have a look at the contract documentation and the contract sources for available contract methods.

Kredits contract

let k = kreditsContracts(web3)['Kredits'];
k.addContributor('<0xContributorAddress>', '<github name>', '<ifps hash>', isCore?, 'github id');
k.contributors('<0xContributorAddress>') // returns the contributor data as array

k.addProposal('<0xRecipient>', <amount as int>, <url>, <ipfs hash>);
k.proposals(<proposal id>);<proposal id>);

Token contract

The Token follows the ERC20 Token standard and implements all standard methods.

let t = kreditsContracts(web3)['Token'];
t.transfer('0xToAddress', <amount as int>);

Developing kredits-contracts

Solidity sources are stored in the contracts directory. Besides that we follow the npm directory layout.

It is recommended to run a local ethereum node (e.g. parity) to deploy and test the contracts locally. The scripts/ script helps starting parity node configuried with a separated local KreditsChain and a funded account. It starts the RPC interface and makes the wallet UI available.

Start parity:

npm run parity

Start parity and open the wallet UI:

npm run parity ui

All other parity commands are available:

npm run parity -- --help

Deploy contracts

scripts/deploy.js is a simple deploy script to deploy solidity sources to a specified Ethereum network.

See --help for all configuration options:

npm run deploy -- --help

Deploy the Kredits contract to the dev network (note the capitalized Kredits - just as the contract name and filename):

npm run deploy -- --network=dev --contracts=Kredits

Deploy the contracts and write the contracts metadata (address/abi) to /path/to/my/app:

npm run deploy -- --directory=/path/to/my/app

Deploy the contracts to a specified network (test) through a specified node/RPC provider:

npm run deploy -- --network=test --provider-url=http://localhost:8545

Contracts REPL

To quickly interact with the contracts, you can use the REPL provided by scripts/console.js

See --help for all configuration options:

npm run console -- --help

Inspect contracts metadata

To watch contracts from an Ethereum wallet (e.g. parity) you need the contracts addresses and ABIs.

See --help for all configuration options:

npm run inspect -- --help

Print the ABI for the Kredits contract:

npm run inspect -- --what=abi --contracts=Kredits

Remix IDE

Solidity Browser (Remix) can be used as an interactive IDE for contract development in the browser, with no running node or contract deployment needed.

To Do

  • Generate contract object documentation automatically
