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Add test for maker with insufficient on-chain balance
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remyers committed Nov 22, 2022
1 parent a54afc2 commit ddfa603
Showing 1 changed file with 59 additions and 25 deletions.
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Expand Up @@ -5,7 +5,10 @@ import{ActorSystem, Kill}
import akka.testkit.TestProbe
import fr.acinq.bitcoin.scalacompat.{ByteVector32, Satoshi, SatoshiLong}
import fr.acinq.eclair.MilliSatoshi.toMilliSatoshi
import fr.acinq.eclair.blockchain.DummyOnChainWallet
import fr.acinq.eclair.blockchain.OnChainWallet.{MakeFundingTxResponse, OnChainBalance}
import fr.acinq.eclair.blockchain.bitcoind.ZmqWatcher._
import fr.acinq.eclair.blockchain.fee.FeeratePerKw
import{DATA_NORMAL, RealScidStatus}
import fr.acinq.eclair.integration.basic.fixtures.MinimalNodeFixture
import fr.acinq.eclair.integration.basic.fixtures.composite.TwoNodesFixture
Expand All @@ -20,8 +23,9 @@ import fr.acinq.eclair.testutils.FixtureSpec
import fr.acinq.eclair.{BlockHeight, ShortChannelId}
import org.scalatest.TestData
import org.scalatest.concurrent.{IntegrationPatience, PatienceConfiguration}
import scodec.bits.HexStringSyntax
import scodec.bits.{ByteVector, HexStringSyntax}

import scala.concurrent.{ExecutionContext, Future}
import scala.concurrent.duration.DurationInt

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -78,19 +82,30 @@ class SwapIntegrationSpec extends FixtureSpec with IntegrationPatience {

def nodeWithOnChainBalance(node: MinimalNodeFixture, balance: Satoshi): MinimalNodeFixture = node.copy(wallet = new DummyOnChainWallet() {
override def makeFundingTx(pubkeyScript: ByteVector, amount: Satoshi, feeRatePerKw: FeeratePerKw)(implicit ec: ExecutionContext): Future[MakeFundingTxResponse] = {
if (amount <= balance) {
val tx = DummyOnChainWallet.makeDummyFundingTx(pubkeyScript, amount)
funded += (tx.fundingTx.txid -> tx.fundingTx)
} else {
Future.failed(new RuntimeException("insufficient funds"))

test("swap in - claim by invoice") { f =>
import f._

val (aliceSwap, bobSwap) = swapActors(alice, bob)
val shortChannelId = connectNodes(alice, bob)

// bob must have enough on-chain balance to send
val amount = Satoshi(1000)
val feeRatePerKw = alice.nodeParams.onChainFeeConf.feeEstimator.getFeeratePerKw(target = alice.nodeParams.onChainFeeConf.feeTargets.fundingBlockTarget)
val premium = 0.sat // TODO: (feeRatePerKw * claimByInvoiceTxWeight / 1000).toLong.sat
val openingBlock = BlockHeight(1)
val claimByInvoiceBlock = BlockHeight(4)
bob.wallet.confirmedBalance = amount + premium
// bob must have enough on-chain balance to send
val fundedBob = nodeWithOnChainBalance(bob, amount+premium)
val (aliceSwap, bobSwap) = swapActors(alice, fundedBob)
val shortChannelId = connectNodes(alice, fundedBob)

// swap in sender (bob) requests a swap in with swap in receiver (alice)
bobSwap.swapRegister ! SwapInRequested(bobSwap.cli.ref.toTyped, amount, shortChannelId)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -126,16 +141,14 @@ class SwapIntegrationSpec extends FixtureSpec with IntegrationPatience {
test("swap in - claim by coop, receiver does not have sufficient channel balance") { f =>
import f._

val (aliceSwap, bobSwap) = swapActors(alice, bob)
val shortChannelId = connectNodes(alice, bob)

// swap more satoshis than alice has available in the channel to send to bob
val amount = 100_000 sat
val feeRatePerKw = alice.nodeParams.onChainFeeConf.feeEstimator.getFeeratePerKw(target = alice.nodeParams.onChainFeeConf.feeTargets.fundingBlockTarget)
val premium = 0.sat // TODO: (feeRatePerKw * claimByInvoiceTxWeight / 1000).toLong.sat
val openingBlock = BlockHeight(1)
val claimByCoopBlock = BlockHeight(2)
bob.wallet.confirmedBalance = amount + premium
val (aliceSwap, bobSwap) = swapActors(alice, bob)
val shortChannelId = connectNodes(alice, bob)

// swap in sender (bob) requests a swap in with swap in receiver (alice)
bobSwap.swapRegister ! SwapInRequested(bobSwap.cli.ref.toTyped, amount, shortChannelId)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -178,16 +191,15 @@ class SwapIntegrationSpec extends FixtureSpec with IntegrationPatience {
test("swap in - claim by csv, receiver does not pay after opening tx confirmed") { f =>
import f._

val (aliceSwap, bobSwap) = swapActors(alice, bob)
val shortChannelId = connectNodes(alice, bob)

// bob must have enough on-chain balance to send
val amount = Satoshi(1000)
val feeRatePerKw = alice.nodeParams.onChainFeeConf.feeEstimator.getFeeratePerKw(target = alice.nodeParams.onChainFeeConf.feeTargets.fundingBlockTarget)
val premium = 0.sat // TODO: (feeRatePerKw * claimByInvoiceTxWeight / 1000).toLong.sat
val openingBlock = BlockHeight(1)
val claimByCsvBlock = claimByCsvDelta.toCltvExpiry(openingBlock).blockHeight
bob.wallet.confirmedBalance = amount + premium
// bob must have enough on-chain balance to send
val fundedBob = nodeWithOnChainBalance(bob, amount + premium)
val (aliceSwap, bobSwap) = swapActors(alice, fundedBob)
val shortChannelId = connectNodes(alice, fundedBob)

// swap in sender (bob) requests a swap in with swap in receiver (alice)
bobSwap.swapRegister ! SwapInRequested(bobSwap.cli.ref.toTyped, amount, shortChannelId)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -220,16 +232,15 @@ class SwapIntegrationSpec extends FixtureSpec with IntegrationPatience {
test("swap in - claim by coop, receiver cancels while waiting for opening tx to confirm") { f =>
import f._

val (aliceSwap, bobSwap) = swapActors(alice, bob)
val shortChannelId = connectNodes(alice, bob)

// bob must have enough on-chain balance to send
val amount = Satoshi(1000)
val feeRatePerKw = alice.nodeParams.onChainFeeConf.feeEstimator.getFeeratePerKw(target = alice.nodeParams.onChainFeeConf.feeTargets.fundingBlockTarget)
val premium = 0.sat // TODO: (feeRatePerKw * claimByInvoiceTxWeight / 1000).toLong.sat
val openingBlock = BlockHeight(1)
val claimByCoopBlock = claimByCsvDelta.toCltvExpiry(openingBlock).blockHeight
bob.wallet.confirmedBalance = amount + premium
// bob must have enough on-chain balance to send
val fundedBob = nodeWithOnChainBalance(bob, amount + premium)
val (aliceSwap, bobSwap) = swapActors(alice, fundedBob)
val shortChannelId = connectNodes(alice, fundedBob)

// swap in sender (bob) requests a swap in with swap in receiver (alice)
bobSwap.swapRegister ! SwapInRequested(bobSwap.cli.ref.toTyped, amount, shortChannelId)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -257,16 +268,15 @@ class SwapIntegrationSpec extends FixtureSpec with IntegrationPatience {
test("swap out - claim by invoice") { f =>
import f._

val (aliceSwap, bobSwap) = swapActors(alice, bob)
val shortChannelId = connectNodes(alice, bob)

// bob must have enough on-chain balance to send
val amount = Satoshi(1000)
val feeRatePerKw = alice.nodeParams.onChainFeeConf.feeEstimator.getFeeratePerKw(target = alice.nodeParams.onChainFeeConf.feeTargets.fundingBlockTarget)
val fee = (feeRatePerKw * openingTxWeight / 1000).toLong.sat
val openingBlock = BlockHeight(1)
val claimByInvoiceBlock = BlockHeight(4)
bob.wallet.confirmedBalance = amount + fee
// bob must have enough on-chain balance to send
val fundedBob = nodeWithOnChainBalance(bob, amount + fee)
val (aliceSwap, bobSwap) = swapActors(alice, fundedBob)
val shortChannelId = connectNodes(alice, fundedBob)

// swap out receiver (alice) requests a swap out with swap out sender (bob)
aliceSwap.swapRegister ! SwapOutRequested(aliceSwap.cli.ref.toTyped, amount, shortChannelId)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -303,4 +313,28 @@ class SwapIntegrationSpec extends FixtureSpec with IntegrationPatience {
assert(bobSwap.swapEvents.expectMsgType[ClaimByInvoicePaid].swapId == swapId)

test("swap in - sender cancels because they do not have sufficient on-chain balance") { f =>
import f._

val amount = Satoshi(1000)
// bob must have enough on-chain balance to create opening tx
val fundedBob = nodeWithOnChainBalance(bob, Satoshi(0))
val (aliceSwap, bobSwap) = swapActors(alice, fundedBob)
val shortChannelId = connectNodes(alice, fundedBob)

// swap in sender (bob) requests a swap in with swap in receiver (alice)
bobSwap.swapRegister ! SwapInRequested(bobSwap.cli.ref.toTyped, amount, shortChannelId)

// both parties publish that the swap was canceled because bob could not fund the opening tx
assert(aliceSwap.swapEvents.expectMsgType[Canceled].reason.contains("error while funding swap open tx"))
assert(bobSwap.swapEvents.expectMsgType[Canceled].reason.contains("error while funding swap open tx"))

// both parties have no pending swaps
bobSwap.swapRegister ! ListPendingSwaps(bobSwap.cli.ref.toTyped)
aliceSwap.swapRegister ! ListPendingSwaps(aliceSwap.cli.ref.toTyped)


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