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Introduction to APE Javascript framework

saniel edited this page Aug 1, 2013 · 1 revision


Introduction to APE Javascript framework

The APE JavaScript Framework is divided in two distinct part : the "Client" and the "Core".



The JSF Client is a small javascript script. It's aim is to load the Core and allow your javascript application to interact with Core.

There are two javascript clients for APE JSF:

  • One especially for MooTools (take advantage of MooTools class)
  • One for any other framework

If you use mootools on your website chose apeClientMoo, otherwise use apeClientJS


The JSF Core handle all the interactions with the server : send/receive data, session management, transport method, ... It does all the hard work for you ;-)

APE Core is written using MooTools, as the core is executed inside an iframe the use of mootools doesn't conflict with frameworks you use on your website/application. We focused on providing a small javascript Core ~5KB (gzipped) with mootools bundled in it.

General working

The APE JSF Client creates an iframe, and loads the Core on it. Client and Core communicate with an event system. The Core sends Events depending on received RAWS and sent Commands. It is possible to add a callback function on each event transmitted by the Core. (TODO add missing picture)

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