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Python package for access, manipulation, and analysis of thermal neutron-capture gamma-ray data from the Evaluated Gamma-ray Activation File (EGAF) library.


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This project is a Python package enabling interaction, manipulation, and analysis of thermal-neutron capture gamma-ray data from the Evaluated Gamma-ray Activation File (EGAF) library [1], [2]. The EGAF library is a database of γ-ray energies and their corresponding partial γ-ray cross sections from thermal-neutron capture measurements carried out with a guided neutron beam at the Budapest Research Reactor for 245 isotopes encompassing measurements of natural elemental samples for targets from Z = 1-83, 90, and 92, except for Tc (Z = 43) and Pm (Z = 61). The database comprises a total of 8172 primary γ rays and 29605 secondary γ rays (a total of 37777 γ rays) associated with 12564 levels. The (n,γ) targets and corresponding residual compound nuclides relevant to the EGAF project are summarized in the schematic of the nuclear chart shown in the figure below.

EGAF Nuclides

The pyEGAF package provides users with a convenient means of access and visualization of the thermal neutron-capture data in EGAF including decay-scheme information and associated nuclear structure properties for all compound nuclides contained therein. In addition, the package also provides a capability to search by γ-ray energy for forensics applications. After building, installation, and testing of the project, refer to the examples provided in the Jupyter Notebooks for an overview regarding some of the available methods.

Building and installation

This project should be built and installed by executing the script at the terminal command line of the project directory:

$ git clone
$ cd python_egaf
$ sh

Alternatively, because the project is also maintained on the Python Package Index repository at, it can also be installed using the pip command in a Unix terminal:

$ pip install pyEGAF


A suite of Python modules containing 224 unit tests have been written for this project and are located in the tests folder. To run the test suite and ensure they work with the Python environment, run tox in the project directory where the tox.ini file is also located:

$ tox -r

This project has the following Python-package dependencies: numpy, pandas, and pytest. The test session is automatically started after building against the required Python environment.

Running the software

Following installation, the pyEGAF scripts can be ran from any location by importing the package and making an instance of the EGAF class:

$ python
>>> import pyEGAF as egaf
>>> e = egaf.EGAF()

Most methods also require passing the EGAF JSON source data set as a list-object argument which first needs to be created:

>>> edata = e.load_egaf()

Two Jupyter Notebooks are provided illustrating use of the various methods for interaction, manipulation, and visualization of the EGAF data. Additionally, a few analysis methods commonly adopted in the analysis of thermal-neutron capture γ-ray data are also included in the pyEGAF software package. Launch the notebooks provided in the notebook folder and execute the cells to run through the example-use cases. These notebooks also have a matplotlib Python-package dependency and utilize inline-plotting methods and builtin Jupyter Notebook magic commands.


All pyEGAF classes and functions have supporting docstrings. Please refer to the individual dosctrings for more information on any particular function including how to use it. The dosctrings for each method generally have the following structure:

  • A short explanation of the function.
  • A list and description of arguments that need to be passed to the function.
  • The return value of the function.
  • An example(s) invoking use of the function.

EGAF source data sets

Although the pyEGAF methods already provide greatly enhanced user access to the EGAF data, the original data sets are also bundled with this software package for convenience and to allow users to curate data in a bespoke manner should they prefer. The data sets are provided in the following three formats:

  • Evaluated Nuclear Structure Data File (ENSDF);
  • Reference Input Parameter Library (RIPL);
  • JavaScript Object Notation (JSON).

Each of these formats are described below.

ENSDF format

The original EGAF data sets were prepared in accordance with the mixed-record 80-character column format of the Evaluated Nuclear Structure Data File (ENSDF) [3]. These ENSDF-formatted files are maintained online by the International Atomic Energy Agency [4]. The relevant fields of the Normalization, Level, and Gamma records that are commonly adopted in the EGAF data sets are explained in the ENSDF manual [3]. In addition, Comment records are also frequently encountered in EGAF data sets. The ENSDF-formatted EGAF data sets can be accessed from the project folder by changing into the following directory and listing its contents:

$ ls

Alternatively, individual files can also be accessed using pyEGAF methods by passing the EGAF data set list object and the residual compound nucleus produced in an (n,γ), for example, 28Si(n,γ)29Si:

>>> ensdf = e.get_ensdf(edata, "Si29")

File printing is suppressed by default. To print the file to your pwd pass the boolean argument True to the same function:

>>> ensdf = e.get_ensdf(edata, "Si29", True)

This will create the file EGAF_ENSDF_28SI_NG_29SI.ens in the current working directory.

RIPL format

Because many nuclear reaction codes source decay-scheme information in a particular Reference Input Parameter Library (RIPL) [5] format, representative RIPL-translated data sets have also been generated for each corresponding EGAF data set and are bundled with the software. The RIPL-formatted EGAF data sets are located in the python_egaf/pyEGAF/EGAF_RIPL directory. These files can also be accessed from the interpreter, for example, 28Si(n,γ)29Si:

>>> ripl = e.get_ripl(edata, "Si29")

To print this information to file as EGAF_RIPL_Si28_NG_Si29.dat in the current working directory, simply pass True to the above function as an additional final parameter. The proton- and neutron-separation energies in the RIPL headers are taken from the 2020 Atomic Mass Evaluation [6].

JSON format

All original EGAF data sets have been translated into a representative JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) format using an intuitive syntax to describe the quantities sourced from the primary and continuation records of the ENSDF-formatted data sets. The JSON-formatted data sets are also bundled with the software package and are located in python_egaf/pyEGAF/EGAF_JSON. Again, individual data sets can be accessed through the interpreter, for example, 28Si(n,γ)29Si:

>>> jfile = e.get_json(edata, "Si29")

The corresponding JSON data structure can also be printed to file by passing True to the above function to create EGAF_JSON_Si28_NG_Si29.json in the current working directory.

The JSON data structures support the following data types:

  • string
  • number
  • boolean
  • null
  • object (JSON object)
  • array

The JSON-formatted EGAF schema is explained in the tables below:

JSON key Explanation
"nucleusID" A string type describing the compound nucleus <symbol><mass>.
"datasetType" A string type to identify the data set.
"nucleusZ" A number type denoting the atomic number of the compound nucleus.
"nucleusA" A number type denoting the mass number of the compound nucleus.
"nucleusN" A number type denoting the neutron number of the compound nucleus.
"nucleusTargetZ" A number type denoting the atomic number of the target nucleus.
"nucleusTargetA" A number type denoting the mass number of the target nucleus.
"nucleusTargetN" A number type denoting the neutron number of the target nucleus.
"nucleusTargetElement" A string type (one- or two-character) denoting the chemical element ID.
"nucleusTargetID" A string type describing the target nucleus <symbol><mass>.
"numberPrimaryGammas" A number type denoting the number of primary γ rays.
"numberSecondaryGammas" A number type denoting the number of secondary γ rays.
"totalNumberLevels" A number type denoting the total number of levels in the decay scheme.
"totalNumberGammas" A number type denoting the total number of γ rays in the decay scheme.
"unitEnergy" A string type to indicate the units of the energy quantities.
"recordQ" An array type containing information from the Q-value record for the compound nucleus.
"neutronCaptureNormalization" An array type containing normalization information for the compound nucleus.
"levelScheme" An array type containing decay-scheme information for the compound nucleus.

The JSON arrays are described below:

"recordQ" array

JSON key Explanation
"energyNeutronSeparationAME2020" A number type denoting the AME2020 [6] neutron-separation energy of the compound nucleus.
"dEnergyNeutronSeparationAME2020" A number type denoting the uncertainty for the AME2020 [6] neutron-separation energy of the compound nucleus.
"energyProtonSeparationAME2020" A number type denoting the AME2020 [6] proton-separation energy of the compound nucleus.
"dEnergyProtonSeparationAME2020" A number type denoting the uncertainty for the AME2020 [6] proton-separation energy of the compound nucleus.
"energyNeutronSeparationENSDF" A number type denoting the ENSDF neutron-separation energy of the compound nucleus.
"energyProtonSeparationENSDF" A number type denoting the ENSDF proton-separation energy of the compound nucleus.
"energyNeutronSeparationEGAF" A number type denoting the AME2020 [6] neutron-separation energy of the compound nucleus.
"dEnergyNeutronSeparationEGAF" A number type denoting the uncertainty for the AME2020 [6] neutron-separation energy of the compound nucleus.

"neutronCaptureNormalization" array

This array contains the "normalizationRecord" JSON object, an array with the following contents:

JSON key Explanation
"multiplierIsotopicCorrection" A number type corresponding to elemental-isotopic conversion factor.
"dMultiplierIsotopicCorrection" A number type corresponding to the uncertainty for the elemental-isotopic conversion factor.
"naturalIsotopicAbundance" A number type corresponding to the isotopic abundance of the EGAF target.
"dNaturalIsotopicAbundance" A number type corresponding to the uncertainty for the isotopic abundance of the EGAF target.
"adoptedTotalThermalCaptureCrossSection" A number type corresponding to the adopted total thermal neutron capture cross section.
"dAdoptedTotalThermalCaptureCrossSection" A number type corresponding to the uncertainty for the adopted total thermal neutron capture cross section.
"unitAdoptedCrossSection" A string type to indicate the units of the cross-section quantities.
"keyNumber" A string type corresponding to the keynumber reference of the adopted cross section.

"levelScheme" array

JSON key Explanation
"levelIndex" A number type (integer) corresponding to unique index associated with an energy level.
"levelEnergy" A number type (float) corresponding to the level excitation energy.
"dLevelEnergy" A number type (float) corresponding to the uncertainty of the level excitation energy.
"levelIsIsomer" A boolean type to flag levels with isomeric properties.
"isomerDecay" An array type corresponding to the isomer-decay properties of the level.
"numberOfSpins" A number type (integer) corresponding to the number of spin-parity permutations of the level.
"spins" An array type corresponding to the spin-parity information associated with the level.
"numberOfGammas" A number type (integer) corresponding to the number of deexcitation γ rays belonging to the levels.
"gammaDecay" An array type corresponding to the γ-decay properties of the level.

"isomerDecay" array

JSON key Explanation
"halfLifeBest" A number type representing the halflife in best units from original data set.
"dHalfLifeBest" A number type representing the associated uncertainty on the halflife in best units.
"unitHalfLifeBest" A string type to indicate the best halflife units.
"halfLifeConverted" A number type representing the halflife converted to units of seconds.
"dHalfLifeConverted" A number type representing the associated uncertainty on the halflife converted to seconds.
"unitHalfLifeConverted" A string type to indicate the converted halflife units.

"spins" array

JSON key Explanation
"spinIndex" A number type (integer) associated with the indexed sequence of the spin-parity permutations.
"spinReal" A number type (float) corresponding to the real spin value of the level.
"spinIsTentative" A boolean type to flag tentative spin assignments.
"spinIsLimit" A boolean type to flag levels with spin values expressed as limits.
"spinLimits" A string type representing the associated spin limits of the level; a null value is given if the level does not have any spin limits.
"parity" A number type (integer) that represents the parity of the level: -1 (negative π), 1 (positive π), 0 (no π assignment).
"paritySign" A string type referring to the parity ("negative", "positive", or null) of the level.
"parityIsTentative" A boolean type to flag tentative parity assignments.

"gammaDecay" array

In this version of the EGAF database internal conversion coefficients have not, in general, been included in the source data sets and have consequently been set to zero for both total and individual-shell contributions. A future release of the database will include BrIcc-calculated [7] values for both total conversion as well as contributions from individual shells.

JSON key Explanation
"gammaEnergy" A number type corresponding to the γ-ray energy.
"dGammaEnergy" A number type corresponding to the associated uncertainty of the γ-ray energy.
"levelIndexInitial" A number type (integer) corresponding to the index of the initial level associated with the γ-ray transition.
"levelIndexFinal" A number type (integer) corresponding to the index of the final level associated with the γ-ray transition.
"levelEnergyInitial" A number type (float) corresponding to the excitation energy of the initial level associated with the γ-ray transition.
"levelEnergyFinal" A number type (float) corresponding to the excitation energy of the final level associated with the γ-ray transition.
"gammaTransitionType" A string type denoting "primary" or "secondary" γ-ray transition types.
"gammaFeedsGroundState" A boolean type to flag γ-ray transitions that feed the ground state.
"gammaAbsoluteIntensities" An array type containing γ-ray intensity information associated with the transition.
"multipolarity" A string type (or null) describing the multipolarity ("M1", "E1", "M2", "E2", "M1+E2", etc.) of the γ-ray transition.
"multipolarityIsTentative" A boolean type to flag tentative multipolarity assignments.
"multipolarityIsAssumed" A boolean type to indicate evaluator-assumed multipolarity assignments.
"mixingRatio" A number type (or null) corresponding to the γ-ray mixing ratio where known.
"dMixingRatio" A number type (or null) corresponding to the associated uncertainty of the γ-ray mixing ratio.
"mixingRatioSign" A string type (or null) corresponding to the sign ("positive" or "negative") of the γ-ray mixing ratio.
"calculatedTotalInternalConversionCoefficient" A number type corresponding to the calculated total internal-conversion coefficient associated with the γ-ray transition.
"dCalculatedTotalInternalConversionCoefficient" A number type corresponding to the associated uncertainty of the calculated total internal-conversion coefficient.
"calculatedAtomicShellConversionCoefficients" An array type containing the atomic subshell internal-conversion coefficient data.

"gammaAbsoluteIntensities" array

The source EGAF data sets contain partial elemental γ-ray cross sections σγe (JSON key: "partialElementalCrossSection") in the RI field of the Gamma record [3]. The isotopically-corrected partial γ-ray cross sections σγi (JSON key: "partialIsotopicCrossSection") are derived according to

$$ \sigma_{\gamma_{i}} = \sigma_{\gamma_{e}} M, \quad (1) $$

where M is the photon intensity multiplier from the NR field of the Normalization record [3] (JSON key: "multiplierIsotopicCorrection" from the "normalizationRecord" JSON object). The γ-ray populations per neutron capture Pγ are then deduced from

$$ P_{\gamma} = \frac{\sigma_{\gamma_{i}}}{\sigma_{0}}. \quad (2) $$

where σ0 is the adopted total thermal neutron capture cross section (JSON key: "adoptedTotalThermalCaptureCrossSection" from the "normalizationRecord" JSON object).

JSON key Explanation
"partialElementalCrossSection" A number type corresponding to the elemental partial γ-ray cross section.
"dPartialElementalCrossSection" A number type corresponding to the associated uncertainty of the elemental partial γ-ray cross section.
"partialIsotopicCrossSection" A number type corresponding to the partial γ-ray cross section corrected for isotopic abundance.
"dPartialIsotopicCrossSection" A number type corresponding to the associated uncertainty of the isotopically-corrected partial γ-ray cross section.
"populationPerNeutronCapture" A number type corresponding to the population per neutron capture for the γ-ray transition.
"dPopulationPerNeutronCapture" A number type corresponding to the associated uncertainty of the population per neutron capture for the γ-ray transition.

"calculatedAtomicShellConversionCoefficients" array

JSON key Explanation
"calculatedInternalConversionCoefficientAtomicShellK" A number type corresponding to the calculated K-shell internal-conversion coefficient.
"dCalculatedInternalConversionCoefficientAtomicShellK" A number type corresponding to the associated uncertainty of the calculated K-shell internal-conversion coefficient.
"calculatedInternalConversionCoefficientAtomicShellL" A number type corresponding to the calculated L-shell internal-conversion coefficient.
"dCalculatedInternalConversionCoefficientAtomicShellL" A number type corresponding to the associated uncertainty of the calculated L-shell internal-conversion coefficient.
"calculatedInternalConversionCoefficientAtomicShellM" A number type corresponding to the calculated M-shell internal-conversion coefficient.
"dCalculatedInternalConversionCoefficientAtomicShellM" A number type corresponding to the associated uncertainty of the calculated M-shell internal-conversion coefficient.
"calculatedInternalConversionCoefficientAtomicShellN" A number type corresponding to the calculated N-shell internal-conversion coefficient.
"dCalculatedInternalConversionCoefficientAtomicShellN" A number type corresponding to the associated uncertainty of the calculated N-shell internal-conversion coefficient.
"calculatedInternalConversionCoefficientAtomicShellO" A number type corresponding to the calculated O-shell internal-conversion coefficient.
"dCalculatedInternalConversionCoefficientAtomicShellO" A number type corresponding to the associated uncertainty of the calculated O-shell internal-conversion coefficient.
"calculatedInternalConversionCoefficientAtomicShellP" A number type corresponding to the calculated P-shell internal-conversion coefficient.
"dCalculatedInternalConversionCoefficientAtomicShellP" A number type corresponding to the associated uncertainty of the calculated P-shell internal-conversion coefficient.
"calculatedInternalConversionCoefficientAtomicShellQ" A number type corresponding to the calculated Q-shell internal-conversion coefficient.
"dCalculatedInternalConversionCoefficientAtomicShellQ" A number type corresponding to the associated uncertainty of the calculated Q-shell internal-conversion coefficient.


[1] R.B. Firestone et al., "Database of Prompt Gamma Rays from Slow Thermal Neutron Capture for Elemental Analysis", IAEA STI/PUB/1263, 251 (2007).

[2] Z. Revay, R.B. Firestone, T. Belgya, G.L. Molnar, "Handbook of Prompt Gamma Activation Analysis", edited by G.L. Molnar (Kluwer Academic Dordrecht, 2004), Chap. Prompt Gamma-Ray Spectrum Catalog, p. 173.

[3] J.K. Tuli, "Evaluated Nuclear Structure Data File", BNL-NCS-51655-01/02-Rev (2001).

[4] Evaluated Gamma-ray Activation File (EGAF);

[5] R. Capote et al., "RIPL - Reference Input Parameter Library for Calculation of Nuclear Reactions and Nuclear Data Evaluations", Nucl. Data Sheets 110, 3107 (2009).

[6] M. Wang, W.J. Huang, F.G. Kondev, G. Audi, S. Naimi, "The AME2020 atomic mass evaluation", Chin. Phys. C 45, 030003 (2021).

[7] T. Kibedi, T.W. Burrows, M.B. Trzhaskovskaya, P.M. Davidson, C.W. Nestor Jr., "Evaluation of theoretical conversion coefficients using BrIcc", Nucl. Intrum. Methods Phys. Res. Sect. A 589, 202 (2008).


Python package for access, manipulation, and analysis of thermal neutron-capture gamma-ray data from the Evaluated Gamma-ray Activation File (EGAF) library.








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