Muinotify has an imperative API that makes it easy to display snackbars by combining Alert and Snack components, without having to handle their open/close state. It also enables you to stack them on top of one another (although this is discouraged by the Material Design guidelines).
A demo is worth a thousand words - codesandbox
you need to install @MUI first so:
// with npm
npm install @mui/material @emotion/react @emotion/styled
// with yarn
yarn add @mui/material @emotion/react @emotion/styled
and then
npm install muinotify
yarn add muinotify
React Component in render method: You Don't have to use options
wrap MuiNotifyProvider over your App.
import React from "react";
import { MuiNotifyProvider } from "muinotify";
class App extends Component {
render() {
return (
<div className="App_Wrapper">
// preventDuplicate
StackProps={{ spacing: 1, direction: "column-reverse" }}
TransitionProps={{ direction: "left" }}
customAlert={(data) => <CustomAlert {} />}
<Application />
export default App;
then use withNotifier or useNotifier to fire up you alert
// with hooks
import React from "react";
import { useNotifier } from "muinotify";
const Application = () => {
const { notifier } = useNotifier();
return (
onClick={() => {
notifier(`hello world`, {
isPersist: false,
variant: "success",
Click to show Alert
// with HOC
import React from "react";
import { withNotifier } from "muinotify";
const Application = ({ notifier }) => {
return (
onClick={() => {
notifier(`hello world`, {
isPersist: false,
variant: "success",
Click to show Alert
export defautl withNotifier(Application);
Default values are into [ ]
Name | Values | Description | Sample or Support |
maxNotif | [3], 'NUMBER' | maximum number of nofications on the screen | |
position | "bottom-left" , 'STRING' | position of the list of notification on screen | bottom-left, bottom-right, top-left, top-right |
wrapperElement | [div], 'STRING' | the wrapper element of list of notifications (this tag placed outside of application root) | all notification goes inside of this tag |
wrapperName | [rezvani-notify-wrapper], 'STRING' | class name of wrapper tag | pass any string |
TransitionComponent | [Slide], 'COMPONENT' | Slide, Glow, or other transition available in MUI | - |
defaultSeverity | [error], 'STRING' | type of alert- info, warning, error, success | applied on MUI Alert component |
generalTimeOut | [3000], 'NUMBER' | how long it takes to each notification leave the screen | deafult value takes 3 seconed long |
StackProps | [{spacing: 1, direction: "column-reverse"}], 'OBJECT' | All Stack props of MUI stack can be pass through this | children, direction, divider, spacing, etc.. |
AlertProps | [{}], 'OBJECT' | All Alert props of MUI Alert can be pass through this | closeText, iconMapping, severity, variant, etc. |
TransitionProps | [{}], 'OBJECT' | All TRansition props base on selected transition of MUI Transition can be pass through this | choose Fade then have appear, easing, in, timeout, etc. |
customAlert | [], 'FUNCTION' | you can pass any component as an alert | you have access to all options inside of this function render props. |
preventDuplicate | [false], 'BOOL' | prevent duplicate alert messages | just pass this no ignore same alert messages to show |
Amir Rezvani