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This repository contains code and measured data for evaluation of testing frameworks for Ethereum Blockchain Applications

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This repository contains code and measured data for evaluation of testing frameworks for Ethereum Blockchain Applications.

In this repository you will find the following:

  • Python script to run the test projects and measure times
  • test_tests_config.json: JSON file containing the configuration for the test projects
  • Python script to process the measured times
  • test_results.csv: CSV file containing the measured times
  • processed_results.csv CSV file containing the processed results of measured times
  • v3_core: Directory with rewritten tests for v3-core
  • This readme


Testing was done with 4 different testing frameworks, namely Wake, Brownie and Ape which are frameworks written in Python and Hardhat+Ethers.js which was used in the original tests. Three different development chains, namely Anvil, Ganache and Hardhat. As for the tests, popular Uniswap-v3 project and its v3-core was chosen and it's tests partly rewritten and repurposed for each of the python resulting in 271 tests.

Tests were conducted on a VM n2d-standard-4 instance in Google Cloud, equipped with four cores of AMD Rome, 16 GB RAM, and an HDD disk. The system ran a Debian OS with kernel version 5.10.162-1 and Python 3.10.11. All tests were executed under similar load conditions on the virtual machine.

All Python frameworks have their requirements files in v3_core directory. As for the TypeScript tests, packages in package.json were installed.


The execution times in seconds of the tests are shown in the following table in format: mean (standard deviation). Tests were executed and measured 200 times.

/ Brownie Ape Wake Hardhat & Ethers.js
Anvil 34.80 (1.31) 53.27 (1.22) 3.37 (0.05) 10.96 (0.40)
Ganache 51.48 (1.41) 72.72 (2.09) 15.78 (0.22) 118.71 (1.69)
Hardhat 51.62 (2.43) 72.42 (1.80) 19.69 (0.15) 17.47 (0.17)

Necessary modifications

It was necessary to modify Brownie's network\rpc\ to allow us to specify two additional arguments for Anvil and also to fix an issue where PIPE output was not being read correctly thus resulting in hangs when deploying large contracts. The modified file is included in this repository as in the v3_core directory.


This repository contains code and measured data for evaluation of testing frameworks for Ethereum Blockchain Applications




