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SSH tools to manage and channel data to remote host

sshpipe was build as part of Eventor and Sequent to allow distributed processing using SSH. Usually, network based system are using ports to communicate between server and clients. However, in development environment, there may be many developers in need to individual port assignments. The management of such operation can become overwhelming.

With SSH tunneling, each developer can manage its own environment. Using virtualenvs and SSH keys, developer can manage himself connections between servers and clients they are working on.

If you have comments or insights, please don't hesitate to contact us at [email protected]

sshconfig is used to read SSH configuration file and give access to information stored there. It can be used also to save SSH configuration.
loads(), load() methods are used to read SSH configuration from string stream or file respectively into SSHConfig object. dumps(), dump() methods are used to write SSHConfig object to string stream or file respectively.

SSHConfig class holds SSH configuration as read by load() or loads(). It can then be stored back into SSH configuration file with sshconfig's dump() and dumps(). *SSHConfig provides get() method to retrieve SSH settings.

Future functionality:

  1. validation of configuration.
  2. manipulation of configuration (e.g., add key, change flags, etc.)

SSHPipe class is used to initiate an SSH channel to a process running in remote host. SSHPipe is initiated with the command for the agent process. It would then start the agent (commonly an object of SSHPipeClient or of a class inheriting from it.)

Once agent is started, SSHPipe provides methods to send the agent work assignments. When agent is done or fails, it would communicate back to SSHPipe object. The method response() can be used to retrieve that response.

This example shows a SSHPipe creation from one host to another with. The service in the remote host will accept string message sent via the pipe and would store them into a file., below, initiates

 1 import os
 2 import multiprocessing as mp
 3 from sshpipe import SSHPipe
 5 def run():
 6     agent_dir = '/var/acrisel/sand/acris/sshpipe/sshpipe/sshpipe_examples'
 7     agentpy = os.path.join(agent_dir, "")
 8     host = 'ubuntud01_eventor' # SSH config host name of remote server.
10     sshagent = SSHPipe(host, agentpy)
11     sshagent.start()
13     if not sshagent.is_alive():
14         print("Agent not alive", sshagent.response())
15         exit(1)
17     sshagent.send("This is life.\n")
18     sshagent.send("This is also life.\n")
19     sshagent.send("This is yet another life.\n")
20     sshagent.send("That is all, life.\n")
21     sshagent.send("TERM")
23     if not sshagent.is_alive():
24         print(sshagent.response())
25         exit()
27     response = sshagent.close()
28     if response:
29         exitcode, stdout, stderr = response
30     print('Response: ', response)
32 if __name__ == '__main__':
33     mp.set_start_method('spawn')
34     run()

The remote agent is would run through SHHPipe and would loop awaiting input on its stdin stream.

 1 import logging
 2 from sshpipe import SSHPipeHandler
 4 module_logger = logging.getLogger(__file__)
 6 class MySSHPipeHandler(SSHPipeHandler):
 8     def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
 9         super(MySSHPipeHandler, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
10         self.file = None
12     def atstart(self, received):
13         file = "{}{}".format(__file__, ".remote.log")
14         self.module_logger.debug("Opening file: {}.".format(file))
15         self.file = open(file, 'w')
17     def atexit(self, received):
18         if self.file is not None:
19             self.file.close()
20         super(MySSHPipeHandler, self).atexit(received)
22     def handle(self, received):
23         self.file.write(str(received))
25 if __name__ == '__main__':
26     client = MySSHPipeHandler()
27     client.service_loop()

The handler overrides the four methods of SSHPipeHandler. __init__() defines an instance member file, atstart() opens file to which records would be written, atexit() closes the file, and handle() writes received record to file.

Lets say we run program on some server, ubuntud20

SSHPipe(host, command, name=None, user=None, term_message='TERM', config=None, encoding='utf8', callback=None, logger=None)

    SSHPipe establishes connection to remote *host* and runs *command*.  *host* can be ip address, hostname, or SSH host name.
    *name* associates and id to the pipe.  If *user* is provided, it will use for the SSH connectivity.  term_message, is
import logging

# create logger
logger = logging.getLogger('simple_example')

# create console handler and set level to debug
ch = logging.TimedRotatingFileHandler()

# create formatter
formatter = logging.Formatter('%(asctime)s - %(name)s - %(levelname)s - %(message)s')

# add formatter to ch

# add ch to logger

# 'application' code
logger.debug('debug message')'info message')
logger.warn('warn message')
logger.error('error message')
logger.critical('critical message')

Multiprocessor logger using QueueListener and QueueHandler It uses TimedSizedRotatingHandler as its logging handler

It also uses acris provided LevelBasedFormatter which facilitate message formats based on record level. LevelBasedFormatter inherent from logging.Formatter and can be used as such in customized logging handlers.

Within main process

import time
import random
import logging
from acris import MpLogger
import os
import multiprocessing as mp

def subproc(limit=1, logger_info=None):
    logger=MpLogger.get_logger(logger_info, name="acrilog.subproc", )
        for i in range(limit):
        time.sleep(sleep_time)"proc [%s]: %s/%s - sleep %4.4ssec" % (os.getpid(), i, limit, sleep_time))

level_formats={logging.DEBUG:"[ %(asctime)s ][ %(levelname)s ][ %(message)s ][ %(module)s.%(funcName)s(%(lineno)d) ]",
                'default':   "[ %(asctime)s ][ %(levelname)s ][ %(message)s ]",

mplogger=MpLogger(logging_level=logging.DEBUG, level_formats=level_formats, datefmt='%Y-%m-%d,%H:%M:%S.%f')

logger.debug("starting sub processes")
for limit in [1, 1]:
    proc=mp.Process(target=subproc, args=(limit, mplogger.logger_info(),))

for proc in procs:
    if proc:

logger.debug("sub processes completed")

[ 2016-12-19,11:39:44.953189 ][ DEBUG ][ starting sub processes ][ mplogger.<module>(45) ]
[ 2016-12-19,11:39:45.258794 ][ INFO ][ proc [932]: 0/1 - sleep  0.3sec ]
[ 2016-12-19,11:39:45.707914 ][ INFO ][ proc [931]: 0/1 - sleep 0.75sec ]
[ 2016-12-19,11:39:45.710487 ][ DEBUG ][ sub processes completed ][ mplogger.<module>(56) ]

name identifies the base name for logger. Note the this parameter is available in both MpLogger init method and in its start method.

MpLogger init's name argument is used for consolidated logger when consolidate is set. It is also used for private logger of the main process, if one not provided when calling start() method.

process_key defines one or more logger record field that would be part of the file name of the log. In case it is used, logger will have a file per records' process key. This will be in addition for a consolidated log, if consolidate is set.

By default, MpLogger uses name as the process key. If something else is provided, e.g., processName, it will be concatenated to name as postfix.

Allows to distinguish among sets of logs of different runs by setting one (or both) of file_prefix and file_suffix. Usually, the use of PID and granular datetime as prefix or suffix would create unique set of logs.

file_mode let program define how logs will be opened. In default, logs are open in append mode. Hense, history is collected and file a rolled overnight and by size.

consolidate, when set, will create consolidated log from all processing logs. If consolidated is set and start() is called without name, consolidation will be done into the main process.

kwargs are named arguments that will passed to FileHandler. This include:
file_mode='a', for RotatingFileHandler
maxBytes=0, for RotatingFileHandler
backupCount=0, for RotatingFileHandler and TimedRotatingFileHandler
encoding='ascii', for RotatingFileHandler and TimedRotatingFileHandler
delay=False, for TimedRotatingFileHandler
when='h', for TimedRotatingFileHandler
interval=1, TimedRotatingFileHandler
utc=False, TimedRotatingFileHandler
atTime=None, for TimedRotatingFileHandler
  1. Acknowledgment from handler that SSH pipe was established.
  2. SSHMultiPipe to allow management of multiple pipe from a single point.


Create and operate SSH based pipeline







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