Automated creation, bootstrapping and provisioning of servers. Currently supports AWS, Azure and Rackspace
Make sure ruby 2.0 is installed. The application depends on several gems listed in avst-cloud.gemspec file. Bundle install command will install all dependencies. The most important ones are and Derelict for provider integration.
- Download source
- Navigate to folder
- Run bundle install
- Check the example, modify, try
# Provide your AWS credentials, region, you can specify custom logger on conn object (defaults to:
conn =, provider_pass, region)
# Creates server on aws, if server exists and it is stopped it will start it
# server_name - name of newly created server
# flavour - aws flavour name, defaults to t2.micro
# os - operating system of ami provided, defaults to ubuntu-14
# ami_image_id - aws ami id, defaults to ami-f0b11187 running ubuntu-14
# key_name - aws ssh access key name, admin.pem
# ssh_key - lcoal aws ssh access key path - just to make sure you have it :)
# subnet_id - aws subnet id
# security_group_ids - list of aws security groups
# ebs_size - disk size
# hdd_device_path - hdd device path, may differ per ami/os
# availability_zone - aws availability zone
# additional_hdds - hash of additional disks to attach to server, must contain device_name (e.g. /dev/sda1) and ebs_size per each hdd
device_name: '/dev/sdf'
ebs_size: '100'
device_name: '/dev/sdg'
ebs_size: '50'
volume_type: 'gp2' #default value
# vpc - virtual private cloud, defaults to nil, make sure you adjust subned_id and security_group_ids accordingly when setting this option
server = conn.create_server(server_name, flavour, os, key_name, ssh_key, subnet_id, security_group_ids, ebs_size, hdd_device_path, ami_image_id, availability_zone)
# Stop server
# Destroy server
# Returns setver status
additional_hdds - hash of additional disks to attach to server, must contain device_name (e.g. /dev/sda1) and ebs_size per each hdd
device_name: '/dev/sdf'
ebs_size: '100'
volume_type: 'SSD' #default value
device_name: '/dev/sdg'
ebs_size: '50'
conn =, provider_pass, region)
# image_id - int representing rackspace image id e.g. '4' - "2GB-standard"
server = conn.create_server(server_name, image_id)
# Returns setver status
# Stop server
# Destroy server
See bin/avst-cloud-azure for examples
Using new Azure Resource Manager way to manage resources. See bin/avst-cloud-azure-rm for examples
conn =, provider_pass, region)
# server_name - hostname
# access_user - user to access server as
# ssh_key - full path to access key for your server, or password
# os - if access_user is nil and os provided, it will try to use standard user based on os
server = conn.server(server_name, access_user, ssh_key, os)
Bootstrap executes pre_upload_commands, custom_file_uploads and post_upload_commands on the server.
server =, provider_pass, region)
# Creates server
server = conn.create_server(server_name, flavour, os, key_name, ssh_key, subnet_id, security_group_ids, ebs_size, hdd_device_path, ami_image_id, availability_zone)
# Commands will run as "sudo su -c \"#{cmd}\""
# List of commands running on server before files upload
pre_upload_commands = [
"echo 'I was here' >> /tmp/was_here",
avst_cloud_base ="#{File.expand_path("../../", __FILE__)}"
# To allow root user to connect to github and run capistrano provisioning in the next stage
# Define hash of from_local_path and destination on the server
custom_file_uploads = {
"#{avst_cloud_base}/files/id_rsa" => "/tmp/.",
"#{avst_cloud_base}/files/known_hosts" => "/tmp/."
post_upload_commands = [
"mkdir /home/ubuntu/.ssh",
"mv /tmp/id_rsa /home/ubuntu/.ssh/.",
"mv /tmp/known_hosts /home/ubuntu/.ssh/.",
"chmod 0600 /home/ubuntu/.ssh/known_hosts",
"chmod 0600 /home/ubuntu/.ssh/id_rsa",
"echo 'done here'"
remote_server_debug = true
debug_structured_log = false
server.bootstrap(pre_upload_commands, custom_file_uploads, post_upload_commands, remote_server_debug, debug_structured_log)
Uses Capistrano to download source from git repo (branch or tag) to destination_folder (defaults to /var/opt/puppet/current/ ) on the server. Make sure git is installed on the server and user has access to git repo provided. Make sure destination_folder exists and user (aws - ubuntu - ubuntu, centos - ec2-user, debian - admin) has ownership of it.
If puppet_runner param is defined:
- create avst_cloud_tmp_folder on the server
- uploads the content of local folder config/custom_system_config to it and then moves it to destination_folder, in subfolder hiera-configs the only files uploaded may be server_name.yaml, server_name_facts.yaml and puppetfile_dictionary.yaml
- if puppet_runner_prepare is defined, it will run it
- if download_dependencies_command is defined, it will run it, in the common case should be 'r10k puppetfile install'
- clear /etc/puppet folder
- link /var/opt/puppet/current to /etc/puppet
- links /var/opt/puppet/current/hiera.yaml to /etc/hiera.yaml
- if config/keys folder exists it will upload it to /etc/puppet/config
- executes command passed as puppet_runner param in /etc/puppet folder on the server
If custom_provisioning_command is defined, it will run the command on the server.
avst_cloud_tmp_folder = "/tmp/avst_cloud_tmp_#{}"
reference = nil
git = "ssh://[email protected]:7999/pup/base_puppet_templates.git"
branch = "master"
puppet_runner = nil
puppet_runner_prepare = nil
avst_cloud_config_dir = nil
download_dependencies_command = nil
custom_provisioning_command = "echo 'done' >> /tmp/done",
destination_folder = nil
server.provision(git, branch, server_tmp_folder, reference, custom_provisioning_commands, puppet_runner, puppet_runner_prepare, destination_folder, avst_cloud_config_dir, download_dependencies_command)
Cleans after provisioning. Runs yum clean all or apt-get clean based on os. Also removes avst_cloud_tmp_folder. You can specify custom commands to run afterwards.
# avst_cloud_tmp_folder = "/tmp/avst_cloud_tmp_*"
# server_name - name of newly created server
# custom_cleanup_commands - list of commands to run
# cloud_operating_system - os
# remote_server_debug - enable debug
server.post_provisioning_cleanup(custom_commands, cloud_operating_system, remote_server_debug, server_tmp_folder)
See example executable bin/avst-cloud
Make sure that provided repo contains templates and base setup. An example is available in Adaptavist github account. Make sure ruby 2.0.0, git, puppet, puppet-runner,... is installed. Check full example in bin/avst-cloud-puppet
# url to git repo you want to upload to the server
git = "[email protected]:Adaptavist/base_puppet_templates.git" # url to git repo
branch = "master" # branch
reference = nil # tag
# In this example we are using puppet-runner to apply our puppet configs, check doco
puppet_runner = "puppet-runner start"
avst_cloud_config_dir = 'config'
download_dependencies_command = 'gem install r10k -v 2.6.4; r10k puppetfile install'
puppet_runner_prepare = "puppet-runner prepare -c ./hiera-configs -d ./hiera -f ./environments/production/modules/hosts/facts.d -t ./hiera-configs -r ./hiera-configs/puppetfile_dictionary.yaml -o ./Puppetfile -e /var/opt/puppet/secure/keys"
custom_provisioning_commands = ["echo 'done' >> /tmp/done"]
# defaults to /var/opt/puppet
destination_folder = nil
server.provision(git, branch, server_tmp_folder, reference, custom_provisioning_commands, puppet_runner, puppet_runner_prepare, destination_folder. avst_cloud_config_dir, download_dependencies_command)