Every single code is inside the ./Algorithms-DS-in-Java-explained-main folder of this repository.
This README.md file contains no description/explanation of the code. Please open a specific Java file to read the code analysis in the comment section. I coded each algorithm using Nano editor, and then I created Java packages, this code works well on EclipseIDE.
To learn Algorithms I followed a 50-hours course available on Youtube, made by Dinesh Varjiany, a Software Engineer at Google. It tooke me eight months to finish it. I NEVER followed his instructions, instead I tried to guess them: at the beginning of the lessons Dinesh sets the task and describes the algorithms, then I tried to figure it out, all by myself, each implementation for the algorithm. I used his instruction only for comparison with my attempt.
I can state that by following this "active learning" approach, my skills at programming, and at finding recurring patterns over different programming fields, consistently increased.