The aim of this project is that the user becomes an actor in his health and we will achieve this goal by tackling the problem of archiving medical records and creating a solution that consists of building a platform that helps in storing the medical data and giving the user the opportunity to have acces to his data everywhere .
React native Cross (Using expo )
The functional requirements represent the different functions that the system must provide. For our application, we have selected the following functional requirements:
- The patient consults his profile which contains his current state of health as well as general information (name and surname, civil status, current weight, vaccines, ideal weight, size ...) after authentication.
- The patient consults his prescriptions which must have them in front of the pharmacist during the purchase
- The patient consults his analyzes (pdf , images)
- The patient consults his medical exams .
- the patient can setup doctor appointments via the application consult past appointments and declined appointments .
- the patient can view the history of his mediecin and can search for a specific one .
- the patient can view his prescreptions and the doctor that ordered them .
- the patient can view the doctor profile and his location in maps .
- the patient must verify his identity via the Fingerprint Reader / facial Recognition (Ios only )
You'll find the backeend for this project in this repository Medicard Backend
Install the dependencies and start the server.
$ cd projectFolder
$ npm install
$ expo start
the dependecies used in this project :
dependencie | Version |
react | 16.5.0 |
expo-local-authentication | 4.0.0 |
momentJs | 2.24.0 |
native-base | 2.12.0 |
react-native-elements | 1.1.0 |
react-native-search-filter | 0.1.4 |
react-navigation | 3.3.0 |
rn-pdf-reader-js | 0.2.3 |