This is an old software I used to generate specific load on a website. It will crawl for certain links (string given), or just keep hitting an URI. The end goal is just to generate load, in a different way from ab would do (apache utils).
It can use tor to connect to the site, using the default socket configuration when launching the browser locally.
The cache bypass is experimental, and may not work depending on the cdn settings.
The client / server is a work in progress, you have to specify the target in the file itself for it to work. -u URL(comma separated) -string [0 to skip crawl] -proc [concurrent processes] -rounds [rounds] --cachebypass Try to bypass cache --tor Use local tor sockets (default config only) --timeout [default 1] --debug lots of shit output --forms i to add random posts on forms --help to show this message ...or just --client to connect to master --master to start a server
If you want to query pages where the link contains images: -u http://yoursite -string images -proc 5 -round 100
or, to hammer the /stats uri: -u http://yoursite/stats -string 0 -proc 5 -round 100
Remember this is using perl, if you launch too many processes it will make your desktop unresponsive.
You should have most of the modules already, use cpan for the rest:
$ cpan install HTTP::Request LWP::UserAgent HTTP::Request::Common Getopt::Long qw(GetOptions) Term::ANSIColor Carp IO::Socket IO::Socket::INET