Releases: AlexanderBgit/PlateN
Releases · AlexanderBgit/PlateN
What's Changed
- Registration list, order parking fill, deny demo users to change profile, by @lexxai in #184
- Live Web-CAM face detection by @lexxai in #185
- API for WEBCAM by @lexxai in #186
Added a BACKEND using the FastAPI framework for web sockets and webcam image processing.
Full Changelog: 0.5.26...1.6.4
What's Changed
- scan qr optionally JSON return and extended information by @lexxai in #168
- REFACTORING. Tune position ICONS on MAIN MENU and added to titles of page. Django 5.0.6. Pagination UP 10 pages. by @lexxai in #169
- Deploy changes for debug=1 and static files. static files generator by @lexxai in #170
- tune js local time script by @lexxai in #171
- refqctoring. tune js. buttons align icons. Message menu for all. by @lexxai in #172
- parking plan stats today, yesterday, month by @lexxai in #173
- Update by @lexxai in #174
- added statistic by @lexxai in #175
- shorten on mobile view with mobile tooltips text by @lexxai in #176
- Custom filter fot templates format_finance, format_registration by @lexxai in #177
- Log purpose for cars by @lexxai in #178
Full Changelog: 0.5.9...0.5.15
What's Changed
- Lexxai user registrations list by @lexxai in #162
- Update by @lexxai in #163
- payments filters action. total results by @lexxai in #164
- scan qr by @lexxai in #165
- minor chnages by @lexxai in #166
- refactoring move js to .js, terms english - ukrainian by @lexxai in #167
Full Changelog: 0.4.27...0.5.9
What's Changed
-, telegram api exit if not TOKEN present by @lexxai in #122
- check error upload photo by @artem-dorofeev in #123
- Lexxai by @lexxai in #124
- tune "No license plate information found" by @lexxai in #125
- Payments List by @lexxai in #126
- Payments List pagination by @lexxai in #127
- Payments filter, Allow out with invoice 0.0, List compare by @lexxai in #128
- Update by @AlexanderBgit in #129
- Reg list pagination by @lexxai in #130
- Filtering and other by @lexxai in #131
- add folder and photo FRONTEND/fastparking/media/photo_in by @artem-dorofeev in #132
- Tune payments results by @lexxai in #134
- new foto by @AlexanderBgit in #135
- add foto car + rename plate by @AlexanderBgit in #136
- Invoice Paid column, and format invoice on save by @lexxai in #137
- bug - in reg list compare_in_out by @lexxai in #138
- readme by @AlexanderBgit in #139
- minor bugs by @lexxai in #140
PayPass - free all time by @lexxai in #141
- change new tariff by @artem-dorofeev in #142
- add files bobr_pay_medium/small/large and change by @artem-dorofeev in #143
- skip fill init value if base ParkingSpace, by @lexxai in #144
- tune tariff input fields w/o seconds, and minimum is previos tariff + 1 min by @lexxai in #145
- Duration, Pay before out can 15 mins after last pay for exit Formated duration on check out by @lexxai in #146
- add car number under parking number by @RostislavB74 in #147
- new readme and add new screen by @AlexanderBgit in #148
- center positions car_num by @RostislavB74 in #150
- row-cols-auto, fixed height - 20 px for num by @lexxai in #151
- Mobile readme by @AlexanderBgit in #152
- @media (max-width: 768px) by @lexxai in #153
- move styles of parking card to .css and tune for @media by @lexxai in #154
- fix sign-up users(phone number, telegram) by @lumi-ua in #155
- show parking number of car only for admins by @lexxai in #156
- show parking number of user's car only by @lexxai in #157
- Waring: This number is already registered in the parking lot, are you sure? by @lexxai in #158
- resore text Terms & Conditions by @lexxai in #159
Full Changelog:
What's Changed
- Delete img/Screenshot 2024-04-17 at 20-49-40 Finance Payments.png by @AlexanderBgit in #119
- Integration from diixo-branch to dev-branch by @diixo in #120
Full Changelog:
What's Changed
- Cur number change to Car Number by @RostislavB74 in #118
Full Changelog:
What's Changed
- Create 1 by @AlexanderBgit in #1
- Create 1 by @AlexanderBgit in #2
- Create 1 by @AlexanderBgit in #3
- Тека для тестових зображень by @AlexanderBgit in #4
- Delete img/test/1 by @AlexanderBgit in #5
- Lexxai by @lexxai in #6
- UPDATE - README by @lexxai in #7
- add test readme by @artem-dorofeev in #8
- scripts for macOS by @lexxai in #9
- Create django.yml by @lexxai in #12
- Telegram bot operation by @lexxai in #10
- move wrong place of requirements.txt by @lexxai in #13
- sheduler by @lexxai in #14
- Artem by @artem-dorofeev in #15
- add get news file by @plaha303 in #17
- model+data train + val + foto test + plate by @AlexanderBgit in #18
- telegram create request for get user phone by @lexxai in #19
- Rost110424 by @RostislavB74 in #20
- telegram - send_qrcode - without Temp file, only memory BytesIO() by @lexxai in #22
- edit get news file by @plaha303 in #21
- scripts for help add admin: python createsuperuser by @lexxai in #23
- forms register by @RostislavB74 in #24
- Deploy tasks by @lexxai in #25
- telegram_nickname by @RostislavB74 in #26
- Artem by @artem-dorofeev in #28
- add phone number and telegram_nickname by @RostislavB74 in #27
- scripts for Linux,Mac #!/bin/bash chmod +x *.sh by @lexxai in #29
- publishing latest news by @plaha303 in #30
- psycopg2-binary only by @lexxai in #31
- app photo to photos, first model init migration by @lexxai in #32
- add ds in frontend by @artem-dorofeev in #33
- First predict_num result !!! by @lexxai in #34
- reset password by @RostislavB74 in #35
- Artem by @artem-dorofeev in #36
- try make send news in telegram func by @plaha303 in #38
- Photos first real predict by @lexxai in #40
- telegram_api on sending msg - return response.status_code == 200 by @lexxai in #41
- migration by @plaha303 in #39
- save photo to db by @lexxai in #42
- plaha303_2 by @plaha303 in #44
- photos prepared for registarion car by @lexxai in #46
- added Mesages for operate news, admin, future date of messages. GMT time !!! by @lexxai in #45
- Integration from tetiana-branch to dev by @lumi-ua in #43
- service compare_plates by @lexxai in #48
- lexxai-recover-merge-commications-migrate by @lexxai in #51
- try, except Registration.DoesNotExist by @lexxai in #50
- Lexxai telegram_bot can save in DB telegram_id of /start as for @username as by @lexxai in #49
- active_menu = "accounts" by @lexxai in #52
- add tariffs by @RostislavB74 in #47
- USERS - Admin by @lexxai in #54
- lexxai-tune-migratiom-communication by @lexxai in #55
- fix views by @lumi-ua in #56
- first_payment_form by @lexxai in #57
- readme by @AlexanderBgit in #58
- Update by @AlexanderBgit in #59
- Sasha by @AlexanderBgit in #61
- photos split upload pages IN/OUT, restore communication migrations, buttons by @lexxai in #62
- left width by @AlexanderBgit in #63
- Update main.html by @AlexanderBgit in #65
- restore account migration before merge #56 by @lexxai in #64
- Update main.html by @AlexanderBgit in #66
- Update main.html by @AlexanderBgit in #68
- restore admin - users by @lexxai in #69
- terms&conditions telegram_nickname by @RostislavB74 in #70
- finance payment by @lexxai in #71
- Implemented hover by @diixo in #72
- change profile, add users forms - password by @lumi-ua in #73
- Finance - playmnet results by @lexxai in #74
- Rost150424 by @RostislavB74 in #75
- Integration from diixo to dev branch by @diixo in #76
- Fixed styles of cars-filter in car_list.html by @diixo in #77
- photos by @lexxai in #78
- PHOTOS - recover bug of registration_id check, now DEMO mode by @lexxai in #79
- favicon+footer by @plaha303 in #80
- cars registration in car by @RostislavB74 in #81
- Artem by @artem-dorofeev in #82
- deploy django_cache volume by @lexxai in #83
- add edit profile, change password users by @lumi-ua in #84
- titles, blue - buttons on menu , margin logo text by @lexxai in #85
- main parking img width="100%" by @lexxai in #86
- Lexxai register parking event by @lexxai in #87
- fix edit profile(field form) by @lumi-ua in #88
- integration from tetiana to dev by @lumi-ua in #89
- add active menu to account by @lumi-ua in #90
- Auto creatae parking-pate script by @lexxai in #91
- new logo by @artem-dorofeev in #92
- upper() for car number by @artem-dorofeev in #93
- Artem by @artem-dorofeev in #94
- remove cars/views(account/views), remove cars/models(mycars) by @lumi-ua in #95
- integration from diixo to dev by @diixo in #96
- add tariffs by @RostislavB74 in #97
- add placeholder to account/form, add null-true to account/model by @lumi-ua in #98
- Integration from diixo-branch: fix migrations after commit Rostyslav: partially reverted his commit (only migrations) by @diixo in #99
- parking_place in parking_plan by @RostislavB74 in #101
- Tune buttons scale, add version info by @lexxai in #100
- add calculate current by @RostislavB74 in #102
- cars_list block edit by @lexxai in #103
- Integration from diixo-branch to dev-branch: Fixed styles by @diixo in #104
- Messages icons telegram by @lexxai in #105
- integration to dev by @lumi-ua in #106
- Export to CSV by @lexxai in #107
- Progress bar by @lexxai in #108
- fix parking_progress by @lumi-ua in #109
- HIDE MENU FOR USER by @lexxai in #110
- Script create tarifs, news buttons by @lexxai in