A repository containing code for AIST 2021 submission Improving morpheme segmentation using BERT embeddings.
# Make a fresh virtual environment
python3 -m venv env
source env/bin/activate
# Install requirements
pip install requirements.txt
See the examples of training data for Turkish, Finnish and English in data
directory. Other datasets used in the paper are private.
Format your own data accordingly. You may use other morpheme delimiter, such as space, by passing it as -s
flag during training.
Model configuration files are available in config
directory. You may want to change checkpoint
parameter to save checkpoints.
All the path are relative to root directory of the project.
# Train a basic model on English
python main.py -c config/basic.json -t data/eng.train -d data/eng.dev -s "/"
# Train a basic model on Finnish
python main.py -c config/basic.json -t data/eng.train -d data/eng.dev -s "/" - l finnish
# Train a multilingual BERT model on Turkish
python main.py -c config/bert_multi.json -t data/tur.train -d data/tur.dev -s "/"
# Train a Turkish BERT model on Turkish
python main.py -c config/tur/bert.json -t data/tur.train -d data/tur.dev -s "/"
# Train a model with w2v-style subword embeddings on Turkish
python main.py -c config/zulu/w2v.json -t data/tur.train -d data/tur.dev -s "/"
- Random embeddings: pass, for example,
arguments. - Word2Vec subword training (you can download the wordlist from Morphochallenge page).
- Using pretrained BERT vocabulary
# Preparing merges file for BPE dropout python scripts/make_merge_table.py -m ${BERT_MODEL} -o ${MERGES_PATH} # Training word2vec python scripts/word2vec.py -t ${WORDLIST_PATH} -m ${MERGES_PATH} -i ${BERT_MODEL} -r 10 -d 0.3 -o ${OUTPUT_FILE}.vec
- With vocabulary training
scripts/prepare_w2v.sh -i ${WORDLIST_PATH} -l english -r 5
- Bert finetuning: TBD.