List of ohmyzsh plugin
choose wisely, too many plugin can cause lag (especially npm
and pyenv
Oh My Zsh comes bundled with plugins, which allow you to take advantage of functionality of many sorts to your shell just by enabling them. They are
each documented in the README file in their respective plugins/
Enable a plugin by adding its name to the plugins
array in your .zshrc
file (found in the $HOME
directory). For example, this enables the rails
, git
and ruby
plugins, in that order:
plugins=(rails git ruby)
NOTE: elements in zsh arrays are separated by whitespace (spaces, tabs, newlines...). DO NOT use commas.
Enable custom plugins with cloning their git into ~/.oh-my-zsh/plugins folder and dont forget edit your .zshrc like top and then source ~/.zshrc
to give change
- Auto-suggestion
- Syntax-highlight (choose between powerlevel10k or this)
- powerlevel10k-theme
- 1password
- adb
- ag
- aliases
- alias-finder
- ansible
- ant
- apache2-macports
- arcanist
- archlinux
- asdf
- autoenv
- autojump
- autopep8
- aws
- battery
- bazel
- bbedit
- bedtools
- bgnotify
- bower
- branch
- brew
- bundler
- cabal
- cake
- cakephp3
- capistrano
- cask
- catimg
- celery
- charm
- chruby
- chucknorris
- cloudfoundry
- codeclimate
- coffee
- colemak
- colored-man-pages
- colorize
- command-not-found
- common-aliases
- compleat
- composer
- copybuffer
- copyfile
- copypath
- cp
- cpanm
- dash
- debian
- deno
- dircycle
- direnv
- dirhistory
- dirpersist
- dnf
- dnote
- docker
- docker-compose
- docker-machine
- doctl
- dotenv
- dotnet
- droplr
- drush
- eecms
- emacs
- ember-cli
- emoji
- emoji-clock
- emotty
- encode64
- extract
- fabric
- fancy-ctrl-z
- fasd
- fastfile
- fbterm
- fd
- fig
- firewalld
- flutter
- fnm
- forklift
- fossil
- frontend-search
- fzf
- gas
- gatsby
- gb
- gcloud
- geeknote
- gem
- genpass
- gh
- git
- git-auto-fetch
- git-escape-magic
- git-extras
- gitfast
- git-flow
- git-flow-avh
- github
- git-hubflow
- gitignore
- git-lfs
- git-prompt
- glassfish
- globalias
- gnu-utils
- golang
- gpg-agent
- gradle
- grails
- grc
- grunt
- gulp
- hanami
- helm
- heroku
- history
- history-substring-search
- hitchhiker
- hitokoto
- homestead
- httpie
- invoke
- ionic
- ipfs
- isodate
- istioctl
- iterm2
- jake-node
- jenv
- jfrog
- jhbuild
- jira
- jruby
- jsontools
- juju
- jump
- kate
- keychain
- kitchen
- kn
- knife
- knife_ssh
- kops
- kubectl
- kubectx
- kube-ps1
- lando
- laravel
- laravel4
- laravel5
- last-working-dir
- lein
- lighthouse
- lol
- lpass
- lxd
- macos
- macports
- magic-enter
- man
- marked2
- mercurial
- meteor
- microk8s
- minikube
- mix
- mix-fast
- mongocli
- mosh
- multipass
- mvn
- mysql-macports
- n98-magerun
- nanoc
- ng
- nmap
- node
- nomad
- npm
- nvm
- oc
- octozen
- operator-sdk
- otp
- pass
- paver
- pep8
- percol
- per-directory-history
- perl
- perms
- phing
- pip
- pipenv
- pj
- please
- pm2
- pod
- poetry
- postgres
- pow
- powder
- powify
- profiles
- pyenv
- pylint
- python
- rails
- rake
- rake-fast
- rand-quote
- rbenv
- rbfu
- rbw
- react-native
- rebar
- redis-cli
- repo
- ripgrep
- ros
- rsync
- ruby
- rust
- rvm
- safe-paste
- salt
- samtools
- sbt
- scala
- scd
- screen
- scw
- sdk
- sfdx
- sfffe
- shell-proxy
- shrink-path
- singlechar
- spring
- sprunge
- ssh-agent
- stack
- sublime
- sublime-merge
- sudo
- supervisor
- suse
- svcat
- svn
- svn-fast-info
- swiftpm
- symfony
- symfony2
- systemadmin
- systemd
- taskwarrior
- terminitor
- term_tab
- terraform
- textastic
- textmate
- thefuck
- themes
- thor
- tig
- timer
- tmux
- tmux-cssh
- tmuxinator
- toolbox
- torrent
- transfer
- tugboat
- ubuntu
- ufw
- universalarchive
- urltools
- vagrant
- vagrant-prompt
- vault
- vim-interaction
- vi-mode
- virtualenv
- virtualenvwrapper
- volta
- vscode
- vundle
- wakeonlan
- wd
- web-search
- wp-cli
- xcode
- yarn
- yii
- yii2
- yum
- z
- zbell
- zeus
- zoxide
- zsh-interactive-cd
- zsh-navigation-tools