This site combines my personal portfolio and a utility web page. It showcases my projects, skills, and provides useful tools and features.
I'm Alfonso Caio Espino, a 13-year-old 7th grader learning to code. I have learned basic front-end web development, including HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. I am certified in web design by freeCodeCamp. I am eager to learn back-end web development, Python, machine learning, 2D animation, and more. Besides coding, I also play trumpet, I'm a modern yoyoer, and a speedcuber.
- Light/Dark Mode Toggle: Switch between light and dark themes.
- Sidebar Navigation: Easily navigate through different sections of the website.
- Search Engine Selector: Choose your preferred search engine for quick searches.
- Shortcuts: Create and manage shortcuts to your favorite websites.
- Current Time Display: View the current date and time.