This is my dotfiles for xmonad, xmobar, qtile, bspwm, sxhkd, spectrwm, polybar configs and more
To setup neovim you need install neovim >= 0.5.0
To use my neovim configuration you must install packer
, use the command :PackerSync
, and then, restart the editor.
This config is oriented to a Debian users and the script is only tested on Debian, if you have another system, and you are experimenting a dotfiles problems, please specify your system and your question in a new issue and I try to make compatibility to your system in the script (if is possible)
My OS are Debian (remember this!)
To install my dotfiles you can copy and paste some configs directories, but I create a script that makes this automatically, it not copy and paste files and directories, it makes symlinks on your system to the dotfiles files (remember this before custom your configs!)
To use the
script, get it!:
curl -sL -o
chmod +x ./
And then exec it!
It show a menu like this:
#### Welcome to my dotfiles installer ####
1. Clone the dotfiles (not required if already have)
2. Install the required programs
3. Create .config symlinks
4. Create /home/alphatechnolog symlinks
5. Create .local/bin symlinks (optional because the step 1 already apply this)
6. Setup rofi
7. Exit of installer
8. Remove all config
=> Write the option to make:
The steps are listed in it script!
At finished the configuration change in the login screen your session to xmonad or qtile!
To make systray spacing works in xmobar, you must change
the file .config/xmobar/xmobarrc.hs
in the line 73
, replace alphatechnolog
to your uid
This config replace the gtk files to my gtk files, you must install the gtk requirements listed here:
- Breeze_Snow (The cursor)
- Papirus Icon Theme (The icon theme, select the purple style in your console: $ papirus-folders -C orange)
- Material-Black-Colors
You must install a some Nerd Fonts
- UbuntuMono Nerd Font
- SauceCodePro Nerd Font
It can be available in the Nerd Fonts Download Page
Conky already have this, but in this guide I present it for you!
- S-RET : kitty
- S-b : brave-browser
- S-SPC-RET : rofi
- S-w : close active window
- S-hjkl : move between windows
- S-Shift-hjkl : move window focus
- S-[0-9] : Change between workspaces
- S-h/l : Resize focused window
- S-e-e : Spawn emacs
- S-e-v : Spawn neovim
- S-Shift-r : Restart xmonad
- S-Shift-q : Quit xmonad and go to login screen
My favorite shell is fish, to change the shell in bash to fish, use the command
, it is an alias to change the default shell to fish, if the password
is asked, please write your user password.
My apps are:
- Brave Browser -> $ brave-browser
- rofi -> $ rofi -show drun
- thunar -> $ thunar
- neovim -> $ nvim
- emacs -> $ emacs
Thank you for read me, if you like my work, give me a star :)