This was a group project done in my software engineering class. ActiveWellness is a fitness app designed for beginners trying to get into fitness and get healthier overall. This app allows you to create an account and keep up with the progress you have made so far. It can keep track of food ate, workouts done, amount of hours slept, and steps walked. Since it is designed for beginners in mind, the app comes with a list of workouts to begin with and food recommendations with a youtube video on how to cook them.
Download this project onto your desktop. This is an Android application, so it is best to open with Android Studio for a quicker set up. Connect android device or make sure an emulator is installed. Android Studio comes with one pre-installed.
To install Android Studio, go to or google search android studio and download the version for your os.
To make sure the code is working, open android studio and open the ActiveWellness folder from the directory you in downloaded it in. Once opened, let the gradle sync. After the gradle is done syncing, connect the android device (if available) and click the play button on top tool bar. A pop up screen should show up and select where you would like to run the app. The app will download on the device selected and once the app is opened it will ask you to create an account or login through gmail or there is also a button to go right to the homescreen. It is recommended to use gmail to be able to view profile. From there go through and enjoy the app :)
- Android Studio - The IDE
- Firebase - Database
- YouTube - API used for playing youtube videos
- Google API - Google Fit REST API used to keep track of steps
- Danny Salas - Contributor - DannyBoyGit
- Erick Ortiz - Contributor - ERON23
- Pedro Miranda - Contributor - pmiranda08
Sing in Screen
Home Screen
Meal Screen
Exercises Screen
Feedback Screen
- Big Thank You to our software engineering professor for giving us the freedom to let us choose what project we wanted to work on during the semester