This project is a template for monorepo using [email protected]
and [email protected]
You can find the configuration file here.
2 rules are being set to be checked on pre-commit
only so it won't bother on dev time:
You can use // eslint-disable-next-line no-console
in case needed.
Will open PRs to update npm and github-worflows dependencies versions.
- Build: for each package
- Lint: from root
- Test: from root
- Dependabot auto approve and merge: Will allow dependabot to approve and merge his prs.
To make this workflow work, please define the secretTOKEN_GITHUB
with the correct permissions
Go here and follow the instructions in order to enable it.
- pre-commit: Will run before every commit and will check:
is updated- no
warnings and errors
- pre-push: Will run before every push and will run
To edit the template edit this file.