Amsterdam Schema aims to describe and validate open data published by the City of Amsterdam, in order to make the storing and publishing of different datasets more structured, simpler and better documented.
This repository contains:
- JSON documents that describe the structure and metadata of datasets (i.e.:
dataset schemas
not to be confused withJSON-schemas
); - JSON documents that describe the structure and metadata of tables (i.e.:
table schemas
not to be confused withJSON-schemas
); - A JSON-Schema metaschema to validate the documents mentioned under 1) and 2).
More specifically, metaschemas are JSON-Schemas that can make sure every dataset published by the City of Amsterdam always contains the right metadata and is of the right form.
This is done by running structural and semantic
The structural part is handled by the metaschema defined in this repository. The logic for semantic validation is defined in the schematools repository.
Apart from the technical description an in-depth textual specification of the Amsterdam Schema can be found at
The Amsterdam Schema is chosen to be delimited in such a way that it can interoperate with as many systems as possible. The results of this analysis can be found at the Grootst Gemene Deler page.
Each instance of Amsterdam Schema exists of:
- Metadata about a single dataset;
- Metadata about each table in this single dataset;
- For each table, a table-schema to describe and validate the data in these tables.
An overview of the current schemas can be found at
In Amsterdam Schema, we're using the following concepts:
Type | Description |
Dataset | A single dataset, with contents and metadata |
Table | A single table with objects of a single class/type |
Row | A row in such a table (a single object, a row in a source CSV file or feature in a source Shapefile, for example) |
Field | A property of a single object |
For example:
- The dataset
contains data for each building and address in the city; - This dataset contains two tables:
; - To describe this dataset according to Amsterdam Schema, we first describe the metadata of the dataset (such as its identifier, title, description and DCAT fields) in a dataset.json file;
- For each table in this dataset, we describe the table metadata in a separate JSON file. We can also choose to combine the dataset and table JSON data in a single JSON file;
- For each table, we create a table-schema to describe its contents. This JSON Schema describes all the fields in a single table row, and the types of these fields;
- Amsterdam Schema is used to validate the dataset and table JSON data
- Amsterdam Schema is used to validate the table row JSON Schema, with a meta-schema (a JSON Schema to verify a JSON Schema).
You can find all historical versions of the Amsterdam Schema definition in this repository. Version numbers are shown as '@1.0.0' where we follow SchemaVer for versioning. This will allow for a gradual evolution of capabilities.
For more information, see (some of these pages are in Dutch):
- Amsterdam Schema Wiki
- Amsterdam Schema Validator 👩🏼🏫
- Werkbestand Team Dataservices
- Amsterdam Schema Playground 🎠
In order to publish the Amsterdam Schema to the object store install the Python package included in this repository:
% python3.8 -m venv venv
% pip install -U pip setuptools
% pip install '.[tests,dev]'
The extra options tests
and dev
are not strictly necessary for publishing,
but are handy to have installed while working on the schema definitions.
Once installed publishing could be as simple as running:
% publish
but it likely isn't.
See, the publish
tool expects a number of environment variables to be set.
These are:
DATAPUNT_ENVIRONMENT=[acceptance|production|...] # default is 'acceptance'
Where the OS
prefix stands for Object Store,
and the ...
for values that you should provide.
For development purposes, it can be convenient to publish schemas
to an isolated development location on the objectstore.
The schema:$ref
attributes will be set correctly during the publishing process.
This is essential for the validator in schema-tools
to follow the references to the metaschema during validation.
This development location is a container
on the dataservices
To create a new container, the swift
commandline client can be used
(has been installed as part of python-swiftclient
) that is a dependency.
Create new container with:
% swift post <schemas-yourname> # example name, remove <>
Now make this location read-accessible over HTTP with:
swift post --read-acl ".r:*,.rlistings" <schemas-yourname>
environment variable to the http address
of the container you just created.
The name of the objectstore container is constructed from 2 environment variables:
The default value for CONTAINER_PREFIX
is schemas-
In order to develop a new metaschema version locally and run structural and semantic validation against it:
Install the package from the repository root dir
0) pip install -e .[dev]
Create a new schema that we will develop
cp -R schema@<latest-version> schema@<your-version>
Replace the internal references of the metaschema with the new version
2) sed -i s/<latest-version>/<your-version>/g schema@<your-version>/{,**/}*.json
Point the references in the new schema to the devserver
3) sed -i 's/https:\/\/schemas\.data\.amsterdam\.nl/http:\/\/localhost:8000/g' schema@<your-version>/{,**/}*.json
Generate the index expected by schematools 4) generate-index > datasets/index.json
Point the references in the dataset that we will use for development to the devserver
5) sed -i 's/https:\/\/schemas\.data\.amsterdam\.nl/http:\/\/localhost:8000/g' datasets/<some-dataset>/{,**/}*.json
Start an nginx server with the source mounted and which rewrites URIs so
that it supports the URL structure expected by the schema references.
5) docker-compose up devserver
Validate a dataset
6) schema validate --schema-url='http://localhost:8000/datasets' <some-dataset> 'http://localhost:8000/schema@<your-version>'
And of course; after the metaschema is finished, the references in the new metaschema and the dataset used for development need to be be reset to the online URL.
Two useful commands:
To generate the index.json file, containing a map of all the available scope objects:
generate-scope-index > scopes/index.json
To generate the packages.json file, containing a list of all the unique access packages:
generate-access-package-list > scopes/packages.json
These commands have been added to a script run by pre-commit, to ensure these stay up to date.