Object of functions for creation a code editor in a contenteditable block
v 0.0.4
- using
get a collection text editor fields or one field
- field
- contenteditable block
- field
listen special events on these fields
- ex
- keyup
- keydown
- paste
- other
- ex
if (you catch some event)
- firstly give this post to object elements.current_post
after you can use functions from the object "functions"
- get_sel_range()
- sel obj
- get_current_line_div(node_par: Element | string)
- get_current_div_n(node_par: Element | string)
- get_first_line(post: Element)
- create_new_row(content: string, is_enter: boolean)
- get_current_line_spaces(current_node: Element)
- get_first_spaces_and_boolen_exist_text(text_content: string, previous_spaces: number, pos_par: string)
- focus_end_element(element: HTMLElement)
- put_caret(node: HTMLElement | Text, pos: string)
- get_row_caret_position()
- iterate_childs_to_target(target_node: Node | Text, current_node: Node | Text, position_in_row_where_node: number)
- get_position_in_row(target_node: HTMLElement | Text, node_position:number, current_row:Node)
- surrounded_div(text: string)
- transfer_line(tab_index: string)
- insert_one_tab(focus: boolean, current_element: HTMLElement)
- paste_formatting(paste: string)
- deleteTab(target_block: HTMLElement, focus: boolean)
- get_selection_obj()
- escape_text(text: any)
- get_pos_activation()
- destruct_shape_activation_number(str_num: string)
- generate_struct_activ_num(obj_allrow: [])
- get_row_score(row_num: number)
- get_depth_score(depth_num: number)
- convert_num_to_custom_system(num: string)
- get_octal_number(num: string)
- search_format_function(current_post: HTMLElement, array_of_search_key: string[])
- surround_post_text_in_tags_controller(rows: HTMLElement[], array_of_search_key: string[])
- add_current_row(is_key_row: boolean, arr_objs_current_rows: {key: string,row: number,depth: number}[], obj_struct_activ: {key: string,row: number,depth: number,is_key_row: boolean})
- validate_row_formate(node: HTMLElement, caret_pos: number)
- put_rows(post:HTMLElement, is_return_array:boolean)
- make_drop_down_blocks(parent_el: HTMLElement)
- echo_data()
- get_sel_range()