- Language
- Basics
- ES6
- Document Object Model (DOM)
- Async
- Object Oriented Programming (OOP)
- Functional Programming
- Debugging
- Frameworks
- Libraries
- Other
- Technologies
- Web server
- Libraries
- Other
- React Native (React, Javascript)
- Native Script (XML, Javascript)
- Flutter (Dart)
- bash - scripting
- tmux - terminal windows multiplexer
- vim - editor
- ssh - remote access
- rsync - file transfer
- gzip - compression
- cron - scheduling
- systemd - daemons
- Electronics
- Terminology
- Communication Protocols
- Components
If you can build a product that is so good, people spontaneosly tell their friends about it, you've done 80% of the work you need to be a really successful startup.
The most successful companies you know, you've probably found out about them because a friend of your's said "You have to try this, it's great!".
One important indicator for a product like that is a product that's simple to explain and easy to understand.
If you can't explain in a few words what you do, and some people say "Oh, that's pretty interesting...", it's a mistake, and usually a sign of unclear thinking, or a need that is not big enough.
"keyword" - Search must include keyword
-keyword - Search must exclude keyword
website.com: query - Search only in the website
query 2017..2018 - Seach in the date range
filetype:pdf query - Search just for file type