A repository for the releases of the private charge game repository.
The program has a client and server part, both of which can be downloaded from the releases section.
The server can be run locally or deployed to the cloud (for example Amazone EC2).
- Generate Key-Pair (to make it possible to ssh to EC2 Instance)
- AWS EC2 Console -> Network & Security -> Key Pairs
- Click 'Create key pair'
- Provide name (e.g. unity-ec2-charge)
- Use .pem
- Press 'Create key pair', which should also download the file
- Navigate to directory with key pair
- Run
chmod 400 <key-pair-name>
- e.g.
chmod 400 unity-ec2-charge
- Run
- Launch EC2 Instance
- AWS EC2 Console - Press Launch Instance
- Application and OS Images (Amazon Machine Image)
- Default (Amazon Linux)
- Instance Type
- Default (t2.micro)
- Ensure that this is "Free tier eligible"
- Key Pair (login)
- Select the key pair created earlier
- e.g.
- Network Settings
- Create security group
- Allow SSH traffic from
(Not technically necessary, but is more secure) - Allow UDP connections from anywhere (Can also specify the port range)
- Allow SSH traffic from
- Create security group
- Configure storage
- Default
- Advanced details
- Default
- Press "Launch Instance" when done with the above settings
- Modify Unity project (optional)
- Copy Public IPv4 address from EC2 Instance
- In Unity project, go to Initialization scene
- Edit NetworkManager -> Tugboat (Component)
- Change Client Address to EC2 Instance's IP address
- (Note that this will just change the default IP address, the client ui includes the option to change it back to "localhost")
- Change Client Address to EC2 Instance's IP address
- Build Project
- Dedicated Server - Linux
- Linux Server Build because the EC2 Instance is a Linux Instance
- Upload Build
- Note: if running into problems with Windows Powershell, try Git Bash or WSL
- Run
scp -r -i <.pem file> <build folder> ec2-user@<instance-ip>:~/.
- e.g. Where .pem and build folder are in same directory as where console was run from:
scp -r -i unity-ec2-charge.pem Server_Linux ec2-user@##.###.##.###:~/.
- Make build executable
- Copy "Public IPv4 DNS" from EC2 Instance
- Connect to server via ssh
- Run
ssh -i <pem> ec2-user@<ip or dns>
- e.g.
ssh -i unity-ec2-charge.pem ec2-user@ec2-##-###-##-###.ap-southeast-1.compute.amazonaws.com
- Run
- Navigate to folder with server build executable
- Run
chmod +x <executable>
- e.g.
chmod +x Charge_Server.x86_64
- e.g.
- In AWS EC2 Console -> Instances
- Copy "Public IPv4 DNS"
- Connect via ssh
- Run
ssh -i <pem> ec2-user@<ip or dns>
- e.g.
ssh -i unity-ec2-charge.pem ec2-user@ec2-##-###-##-###.ap-southeast-1.compute.amazonaws.com
- Run
- Navigate to folder with server build executable
- Run
./<executable name>
- e.g.
- e.g.