This is a sample java project in which we have performed all the CRUD operation on Json Data using REST endpoints.
We have used MongoDB as DataBase in this experiment. MongoDB is a free and open-source cross-platform document-oriented database program. Classified as a NoSQL database program, MongoDB uses JSON-like documents with schemas
We have also performed file uploads using various methods supported by Play Framework. We have also explored mongo GRIDFS which is mainly used to save files into MongoDB.
POST /postcar controllers.HomeController.postCarInfo
GET /getallcar controllers.HomeController.getAllCarInfo GET /getcar/:modelName controllers.HomeController.getCarInfo(modelName) GET /deletecar/:modelName controllers.HomeController.deleteCarInfo(modelName) GET /updatecar/:oldModelName/:newColour controllers.HomeController.updateCarInfo(oldModelName, newColour)
POST /postfile controllers.MongoGRID.postSingleFileUsingKey POST /postmultiplefiles controllers.MongoGRID.postMultipleFiles POST /postFileAsRaw controllers.MongoGRID.postMultipleFiles
GET /getfile/:fileName controllers.MongoGRID.getFile(fileName) GET /deletefile/:fileName controllers.MongoGRID.deleteFile(fileName)
Shows how to use Guice to bind all the components needed by your application.
An example of a component that contains state, in this case a simple counter.
An example of a component that starts when the application starts and stops when the application stops.
Creates the list of HTTP filters used by your application.
A simple filter that adds a header to every response.
#Ashish Pushp