This repository contains code for parsing GoPro telemetry metadata to obtain GoPro images with synchronized IMU measurements. The GoPro visual-inertial data can then be saved in rosbag or Euroc format. Thus, effectively paving the way for visual-inertial odometry/SLAM for GoPro cameras.
This repository use gpmf-parser from GoPro to extract metadata and timing information from GoPro cameras.
If you find the code useful in your research, please cite our paper
author = {Bharat Joshi and Marios Xanthidis and Sharmin Rahman and Ioannis Rekleitis},
title = {High Definition, Inexpensive, Underwater Mapping},
booktitle = {IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA)},
year = {2022},
pages = {1113-1121},
doi = {10.1109/ICRA46639.2022.9811695},
abbr = {ICRA},
bibtex_show = {true},
code = {},
Tested on Ubuntu 18.04 (ros-melodic) & 20.04 (ros-noetic). The install instructions are for Ubuntu 18.04.
Install ROS using this guide
System installation of OpenCV should work
sudo apt install libopencv-dev
- Install FFmpeg
sudo apt install ffmpeg
- Install Eigen3
sudo apt install libeigen3-dev
Before proceeding, ensure all dependencies are installed. To install gopro_ros
mkdir -p ~/gopro_ws/src
cd gopro_ws/src
git clone
cd ~/gopro_ws/
source ~/gopro_ws/devel/setup.bash
# add this to ~/.bashrc to make this permanent
GoPro splits video into smaller chunks. By splitting up the video it reduces the chance of you losing all your footage if the file gets corrupted somehow. It’s called chaptering, and the idea is that if one chapter gets corrupted the others should still be okay because they’re separate files.
To save GoPro video with IMU measurements to rosbag:
roslaunch gopro_ros gopro_to_rosbag.launch gopro_video:=<gopro_video_file> rosbag:=<bag_file>
If you have multiple files from a single session, put all videos in same folder you can use the following command to concatenate into a single rosbag:
roslaunch gopro_ros gopro_to_rosbag.launch gopro_folder:=<folder_with_gopro_video_files> multiple_files:=true rosbag:=<bag_file>
To save GoPro video with IMU measurements in Euroc format:
roslaunch gopro_ros gopro_to_rosbag.launch gopro_video:=<gopro_video_file> asl_dir:=<asl_format_dir>
If you have multiple files from a single session, put all videos in same folder you can use the following command extract all videos in a single folder:
roslaunch gopro_ros gopro_to_rosbag.launch gopro_folder:=<folder_with_gopro_video_files> multiple_files:=true asl_dir:=<asl_format_dir>
Extraction video takes a lot of time. Implement multi-threaded.