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Requirements AzureData

Colby Williams edited this page Mar 16, 2018 · 3 revisions

Phase 0: Refactor

  • Cosmos DB DocumentDB/SQL API Coverage
  • Migrate code that can be reused by other SDKs to AzureCore
  • Support full Cosmos DB DocumentDB/SQL API
  • TokenProvider updates to support multiple Auth/Resource Token requirements
  • Add metadata to response object
  • Implement optimistic concurrency control (OCC) by adding appropriate Headers
    • If-None-Match on all GET
    • If-Modified-Since on GET (ignored when If-None-Match is specified)
    • If-Match on PUT and DELETE
  • Conflict resolution
    • Latest wins (silent)
    • Mine wins (silent)
    • Manual (callback)
  • Save tokens to Keychain (AzureCore)
  • Querying resources
    • Support for "raw" SQL queries (validation?)
    • Query type and custom syntax language for chaining together conditions
  • Overrides for partition keys
  • Add altLink property to Resource and populate from x-ms-alt-content-path
    • Note: altLink will only be populated if selfLink is populated as both require the resource to be committed to the remote database to get those values
  • Create and persist a record of id <-> _rid relationships with an API for getting one with the other
  • Add createOrReplace API for Documents using the x-ms-documentdb-is-upsert header

Phase 1: Data Persistence

  • Offline persistence is enabled by default (for all resources)
  • User has option to disable offline persistence (for all resources)
  • Data is successfully written remotely before caching locally
  • Only READING is supported while device is offline, WRITE throws a (useful) error
  • Add fromCache to response object when returning data from cache (device offline)
  • Simple API to Purge entire data cache
  • DELETEing a resource remotely deletes the cached version (only if the delete was successful indicated by a response status code of 204 No Content)
  • If GET request returns 404 Not Found (deleted remotely), check for existing cashed/local resource and delete
  • When deleting the cached resource, also delete the persisted record the resources' id <-> _rid relationship
  • Encryption interface for user to implement custom encrypt and decrypt
  • Resources are cached on disk as folders/files (opposed to SQLite, etc.) matching the path constructed using resources' (_rid) hierarchy (currently stored in the selfLink property)


A Document in the database account located at the following path (selfLink):


Would be represented in the file system like this:


Phase 2: Offline Write

  • Add WRITE support when offline
  • Queue writes when offline
  • Automatically push any local changes as soon as device comes back online
    • Send global notification to let user know data changed

Phase 3: Granular Persistence Control

  • User has option to disable offline persistence for collections only (documents would respect parent collection option persistence)
  • Attachment

Phase 4: Time-To-Live

  • Add Time-To-Live (TTL) functionality to improve GET performance for non-volatile data

Phase N: Change Feed