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# Conflicts:
#	sdk/spring/
#	sdk/spring/azure-spring-data-cosmos/pom.xml
#	sdk/spring/scripts/spring_boot_2.7.18_managed_external_dependencies.txt
#	sdk/spring/spring-cloud-azure-actuator-autoconfigure/pom.xml
#	sdk/spring/spring-cloud-azure-actuator/pom.xml
#	sdk/spring/spring-cloud-azure-appconfiguration-config-web/pom.xml
#	sdk/spring/spring-cloud-azure-appconfiguration-config/pom.xml
#	sdk/spring/spring-cloud-azure-autoconfigure/pom.xml
#	sdk/spring/spring-cloud-azure-core/pom.xml
#	sdk/spring/spring-cloud-azure-feature-management-web/pom.xml
#	sdk/spring/spring-cloud-azure-feature-management/pom.xml
#	sdk/spring/spring-cloud-azure-integration-test-appconfiguration-config/pom.xml
#	sdk/spring/spring-cloud-azure-integration-tests/pom.xml
#	sdk/spring/spring-cloud-azure-resourcemanager/pom.xml
#	sdk/spring/spring-cloud-azure-service/pom.xml
#	sdk/spring/spring-cloud-azure-starter-actuator/pom.xml
#	sdk/spring/spring-cloud-azure-starter-cosmos/pom.xml
#	sdk/spring/spring-cloud-azure-starter-eventhubs/pom.xml
#	sdk/spring/spring-cloud-azure-starter-integration-eventhubs/pom.xml
#	sdk/spring/spring-cloud-azure-starter-integration-servicebus/pom.xml
#	sdk/spring/spring-cloud-azure-starter-integration-storage-queue/pom.xml
#	sdk/spring/spring-cloud-azure-starter-monitor-test/pom.xml
#	sdk/spring/spring-cloud-azure-starter-monitor/pom.xml
#	sdk/spring/spring-cloud-azure-starter-redis/pom.xml
#	sdk/spring/spring-cloud-azure-starter-servicebus-jms/pom.xml
#	sdk/spring/spring-cloud-azure-starter/pom.xml
#	sdk/spring/spring-cloud-azure-stream-binder-eventhubs-core/pom.xml
#	sdk/spring/spring-cloud-azure-stream-binder-eventhubs/pom.xml
#	sdk/spring/spring-cloud-azure-stream-binder-servicebus-core/pom.xml
#	sdk/spring/spring-cloud-azure-stream-binder-servicebus/pom.xml
#	sdk/spring/spring-integration-azure-core/pom.xml
#	sdk/spring/spring-integration-azure-eventhubs/pom.xml
#	sdk/spring/spring-integration-azure-servicebus/pom.xml
#	sdk/spring/spring-messaging-azure-eventhubs/pom.xml
#	sdk/spring/spring-messaging-azure-servicebus/pom.xml
#	sdk/spring/spring-messaging-azure-storage-queue/pom.xml
#	sdk/spring/spring-messaging-azure/pom.xml
  • Loading branch information
Netyyyy committed Dec 8, 2023
2 parents e616166 + e339e1e commit b1340bd
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Showing 81 changed files with 3,140 additions and 678 deletions.
6 changes: 3 additions & 3 deletions common/smoke-tests/pom.xml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -118,7 +118,7 @@
<version>4.53.0</version> <!-- {x-version-update;;dependency} -->
<version>4.53.1</version> <!-- {x-version-update;;dependency} -->

Expand All @@ -136,13 +136,13 @@
<version>5.17.0</version> <!-- {x-version-update;;dependency} -->
<version>5.17.1</version> <!-- {x-version-update;;dependency} -->

<version>1.18.0</version> <!-- {x-version-update;;dependency} -->
<version>1.18.1</version> <!-- {x-version-update;;dependency} -->

Expand Down
275 changes: 275 additions & 0 deletions eng/common/testproxy/onboarding/common-asset-functions.ps1
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,275 @@
class Assets {
[string]$AssetsRepo = $DefaultAssetsRepo
[string]$AssetsRepoPrefixPath = ""
[string]$TagPrefix = ""
[string]$Tag = ""
) {
$this.TagPrefix = $TagPrefix
$this.AssetsRepoPrefixPath = $AssetsRepoPrefixPath

class Version {
) {
if ($VersionString -match "(?<year>20\d{2})(?<month>\d{2})(?<day>\d{2}).(?<revision>\d+)") {
$this.Year = [int]$Matches["year"]
$this.Month = [int]$Matches["month"]
$this.Day = [int]$Matches["day"]
$this.Revision = [int]$Matches["revision"]
else {
# This should be a Write-Error however powershell apparently cannot utilize that
# in the constructor in certain cases
Write-Warning "Version String '$($VersionString)' is invalid and cannot be parsed"
exit 1
[bool] IsGreaterEqual([string]$OtherVersionString) {
[Version]$OtherVersion = [Version]::new($OtherVersionString)
if ($this.Year -lt $OtherVersion.Year) {
return $false
elseif ($this.Year -eq $OtherVersion.Year) {
if ($this.Month -lt $OtherVersion.Month) {
return $false
elseif ($this.Month -eq $OtherVersion.Month) {
if ($this.Day -lt $OtherVersion.Day) {
return $false
elseif ($this.Day -eq $OtherVersion.Day) {
if ($this.Revision -lt $OtherVersion.Revision) {
return $false
return $true

Function Test-Exe-In-Path {
Param([string] $ExeToLookFor, [bool]$ExitOnError = $true)
if ($null -eq (Get-Command $ExeToLookFor -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue)) {
if ($ExitOnError) {
Write-Error "Unable to find $ExeToLookFor in your PATH"
exit 1
else {
return $false

return $true

Function Test-TestProxyVersion {
[string] $TestProxyExe

Write-Host "$TestProxyExe --version"
[string] $output = & "$TestProxyExe" --version

[Version]$CurrentProxyVersion = [Version]::new($output)
if (!$CurrentProxyVersion.IsGreaterEqual($MinTestProxyVersion)) {
Write-Error "$TestProxyExe version, $output, is less than the minimum version $MinTestProxyVersion"
Write-Error "Please refer to to upgrade your $TestProxyExe"
exit 1

Function Get-Repo-Language {

$GitRepoOnDiskErr = "This script can only be called from within an azure-sdk-for-<lang> repository on disk."
# Git remote -v is going to give us output similar to the following
# origin [email protected]:Azure/azure-sdk-for-java.git (fetch)
# origin [email protected]:Azure/azure-sdk-for-java.git (push)
# upstream [email protected]:Azure/azure-sdk-for-java (fetch)
# upstream [email protected]:Azure/azure-sdk-for-java (push)
# We're really only trying to get the language from the git remote
Write-Host "git remote -v"
[array] $remotes = & git remote -v
foreach ($line in $remotes) {
Write-Host "$line"

# Git remote -v returned "fatal: not a git repository (or any of the parent directories): .git"
# and the list of remotes will be null
if (-not $remotes) {
Write-Error $GitRepoOnDiskErr
exit 1

# The regular expression needed to be updated to handle the following types of input:
# origin [email protected]:Azure/azure-sdk-for-python.git (fetch)
# origin [email protected]:Azure/azure-sdk-for-python-pr.git (fetch)
# fork [email protected]:UserName/azure-sdk-for-python (fetch)
# azure-sdk (fetch)
# origin (fetch)
# ForEach-Object splits the string on whitespace so each of the above strings is actually
# 3 different strings. The first and last pieces won't match anything, the middle string
# will match what is below. If the regular expression needs to be updated the following
# link below will go to a regex playground
$lang = $remotes[0] | ForEach-Object { if ($_ -match "azure-sdk-for-(?<lang>[^\-\.\/ ]+)") {
#Return the named language match
return $Matches["lang"]

if ([String]::IsNullOrWhitespace($lang)) {
Write-Error $GitRepoOnDiskErr
exit 1

Write-Host "Current language=$lang"
return $lang

Function Get-Repo-Root($StartDir=$null) {
[string] $currentDir = Get-Location

if ($StartDir){
$currentDir = $StartDir

# -1 to strip off the trialing directory separator
return $currentDir.Substring(0, $currentDir.LastIndexOf("sdk") - 1)

Function New-Assets-Json-File {
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
[string] $Language
$AssetsRepoPrefixPath = $Language

[string] $currentDir = Get-Location

$sdkDir = "$([IO.Path]::DirectorySeparatorChar)sdk$([IO.Path]::DirectorySeparatorChar)"

# if we're not in a <reporoot>/sdk/<ServiceDirectory> or deeper then this script isn't
# being run in the right place
if (-not $currentDir.contains($sdkDir)) {
Write-Error "This script needs to be run at an sdk/<ServiceDirectory> or deeper."
exit 1

$TagPrefix = $currentDir.Substring($currentDir.LastIndexOf("sdk") + 4)
$TagPrefix = $TagPrefix.Replace("\", "/")
$TagPrefix = "$($AssetsRepoPrefixPath)/$($TagPrefix)"
[Assets]$Assets = [Assets]::new($AssetsRepoPrefixPath, $TagPrefix)

$AssetsJson = $Assets | ConvertTo-Json

$AssetsFileName = Join-Path -Path $currentDir -ChildPath "assets.json"
Write-Host "Writing file $AssetsFileName with the following contents"
Write-Host $AssetsJson
$Assets | ConvertTo-Json | Out-File $AssetsFileName

return $AssetsFileName

# Invoke the proxy command and echo the output.
Function Invoke-ProxyCommand {
[string] $TestProxyExe,
[string] $CommandString,
[string] $TargetDirectory
$updatedDirectory = $TargetDirectory.Replace("`\", "/")

# CommandString just a string indicating the proxy arguments. In the default case of running against the proxy tool, can just be used directly.
# However, in the case of docker, we need to append a bunch more arguments to the string.
if ($TestProxyExe -eq "docker" -or $TestProxyExe -eq "podman"){
$token = $env:GIT_TOKEN
$committer = $env:GIT_COMMIT_OWNER
$email = $env:GIT_COMMIT_EMAIL

if (-not $committer) {
$committer = & git config --global

if (-not $email) {
$email = & git config --global

if(-not $token -or -not $committer -or -not $email){
Write-Error ("When running this transition script in `"docker`" or `"podman`" mode, " `
+ "the environment variables GIT_TOKEN, GIT_COMMIT_OWNER, and GIT_COMMIT_EMAIL must be set to reflect the appropriate user. ")
exit 1

$targetImage = if ($env:TRANSITION_SCRIPT_DOCKER_TAG) { $env:TRANSITION_SCRIPT_DOCKER_TAG } else { "" }

$CommandString = @(
"run --rm --name transition.test.proxy",
"-v `"${updatedDirectory}:/srv/testproxy`"",
"-e `"GIT_TOKEN=${token}`"",
"-e `"GIT_COMMIT_OWNER=${committer}`"",
"-e `"GIT_COMMIT_EMAIL=${email}`"",
) -join " "

Write-Host "$TestProxyExe $CommandString"
[array] $output = & "$TestProxyExe" $CommandString.Split(" ") --storage-location="$updatedDirectory"
# echo the command output
foreach ($line in $output) {
Write-Host "$line"

# Get the shorthash directory under PROXY_ASSETS_FOLDER
Function Get-AssetsRoot {
[string] $AssetsJsonFile,
[string] $TestProxyExe
$repoRoot = Get-Repo-Root
$relPath = [IO.Path]::GetRelativePath($repoRoot, $AssetsJsonFile).Replace("`\", "/")
$assetsJsonDirectory = Split-Path $relPath

[array] $output = & "$TestProxyExe" config locate -a "$relPath" --storage-location="$repoRoot"
$assetsDirectory = $output[-1]

return Join-Path $assetsDirectory $assetsJsonDirectory

Function Move-AssetsFromLangRepo {
[string] $AssetsRoot
$filter = $LangRecordingDirs[$language]
Write-Host "Language recording directory name=$filter"
Write-Host "Get-ChildItem -Recurse -Filter ""*.json"" | Where-Object { if ($filter.Contains(""*"")) { $_.DirectoryName -match $filter } else { $_.DirectoryName.Split([IO.Path]::DirectorySeparatorChar) -contains ""$filter"" }"
$filesToMove = Get-ChildItem -Recurse -Filter "*.json" | Where-Object { if ($filter.Contains("*")) { $_.DirectoryName -match $filter } else { $_.DirectoryName.Split([IO.Path]::DirectorySeparatorChar) -contains "$filter" } }
[string] $currentDir = Get-Location

foreach ($fromFile in $filesToMove) {
$relPath = [IO.Path]::GetRelativePath($currentDir, $fromFile)

$toFile = Join-Path -Path $AssetsRoot -ChildPath $relPath
# Write-Host "Moving from=$fromFile"
# Write-Host " to=$toFile"
$toPath = Split-Path -Path $toFile

Write-Host $toFile
if (!(Test-Path $toPath)) {
New-Item -Path $toPath -ItemType Directory -Force | Out-Null
Move-Item -LiteralPath $fromFile -Destination $toFile -Force

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