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Releases: BRL-CAD/brlcad

BRL-CAD 7.14.8

19 Mar 19:19
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--- 2009-05-11  Release 7.14.8                                     ---

* fix trimming bug in tire tread for wide tires - Cliff Yapp
* archer interactive edit support for arb8, tor, ell, ehy - Bob Parker
* improved asc2g handling of large BoT conversions - Keith Bowman
* conversion of mged and archer to use new ttk widgets - Bob Parker
* fixed crash in raytracing of pipe when duplicate hit points returned
        - Cliff Yapp, Sean Morrison
* mged 'dbconcat' command no longer requires an affix - Bob Parker
* added 'l' describe support for the pnts primitive - Richard Weiss
* restored mged mirror command trailing axis options - Sean Morrison
* swapped meaning of -p and -o arguments to 'mirror' - Sean Morrison
* major overhaul of archer's appearance and layout - Bob Parker
* removal of archer's separate experience modes - Bob Parker
* add a left handed winding flag to the coil tool - Cliff Yapp
* add a clear command to MGED's command line - Cliff Yapp, Bob Parker
* initial implementation of a new 'pnts' primitive for point clouds
        - Nicholas Reed, Sean Morrison

BRL-CAD 7.14.6

19 Mar 19:20
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--- 2009-04-03  Release 7.14.6                                     ---

* ported g_lint, g_diff, and g_transfer to Windows - Sean Morrison
* rtarea now computes center of area - Richard Weiss, Keith Bowman
* reduced archer's initial and maximum window size - Bob Parker
* BLT is no longer an archer/bwish external dependency - Bob Parker
* restored mged 'inside' command on edit state objects - Bob Parker
* adjust brlman script to use system man command - Cliff Yapp
* fixed small memory leak in gqa - Bob Parker
* implemented rtwizard perspective rendering support - Sean Morrison
* fixed rtwizard perspective and occlusion dialog bugs - Sean Morrison
* mged 'clone' command utilizes a new naming convention - Keith Bowman
* fixed mged bug mirroring rcc primitives - Keith Bowman
* modified rpp vertex ordering to match arb8 vertices - Keith Bowman
* fixed mged 'qorot' command rotation about point bug - Keith Bowman

BRL-CAD 7.14.4

19 Mar 19:20
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--- 2009-03-06  Release 7.14.4                                     ---

Included in this release are various MGED bug fixes and enhancements.
The 'gqa' quantitative analysis tool is integrated into MGED and
receives numerous enhancements including computing moments of inertia
and calculating geometric centroids.  There is now also a new 'coil'
procedural geometry tool for generating coil shapes automatically
using the pipe primitive.

* fixed mged "Pick Edit-Primitive" mouse selection bug - Bob Parker
* improved mged command console cut-and-paste support - Bob Parker
* fixed mged command input last character bug - Bob Parker
* improved gqa file support for blank/comment lines - Bob Parker
* fixed several SMP threading bugs in gqa command - Bob Parker
* added centroids and moments of inertia to gqa command - Bob Parker
* fixed mged 'prefix' command to write renamed objects - Bob Parker
* update usage of tops command in geometry browser - Cliff Yapp
* fix description of u option in bo command's man page - Cliff Yapp
* add tool for automatic coil creation using pipe - Cliff Yapp
* fixed bugs with external tool invocation in mged - Sean Morrison
* mged 'make' command no longer doubles the view size - Sean Morrison
* added -R no-resize option to mged e/B/draw commands - Sean Morrison
* mged 'tops' command -g and -u options are deprecated - Sean Morrison
* added -Ap plot visualization option to mged gqa command - Bob Parker
* added new 'gqa' quantitative analysis command to mged - Bob Parker
* fixed mged view initialization bugs - Bob Parker
* integer values in mged without floating point noise - Sean Morrison
* fixed source distribution compile/install path error - Sean Morrison
* fixed mged switch error running the Primitive Editor - Sean Morrison
* fixed g_diff crash when comparing objects - Sean Morrison
* improved g_qa usage message and missing density message - Bob Parker
* fixed mged font preferences menu when ".mgedrc" present - Bob Parker
* fixed oed docs bug noting lhs/rhs must be displayed - John Anderson
* added the nmg_fix_normals command to mged - Erik Greenwald
* upgrade libpng to 1.2.35 (Security fix) - Erik Greenwald

BRL-CAD 7.14.2

19 Mar 19:21
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--- 2009-02-06  Release 7.14.2                                     ---

This release includes a number of new tools and enhancements that
facilitate geometry import and export including a new 'bot_dump' tool
for extracting mesh models without evaluating them for solidity, a new
'dem-g' converter for importing Digital Elevation Model (DEM) data,
a new 'lens' tool for creating accurate optical lenses, and the dxf-g
importer receives a bug fix when importing 2D entities.

* fixed errors in handling of hyp primitive translations - Cliff Yapp
* g_diff now guesses if a change was evolutionary - Erik Greenwald
* added >, <, >= and <= attr value comparisons in search - Cliff Yapp
* fixed double-edged line segment sketch bug in dxf-g - John Anderson
* mged 'inside' command no longer uses edit state objects - Bob Parker
* reported and fixed mged documentation eto typein bug - Robert Penny
* fixed mged itcl.tcl startup failure prior to install - Sean Morrison
* fixed bot_dump -u command line option for setting units - Bob Parker
* changed automatic 'make' sizes for various primitives - Bob Parker
* fixed bug with mged 'make' command automatic keypoints - Bob Parker
* renamed all mk_ tools to remove the mk_ prefix - Sean Morrison
* more conversion of documentation to Docbook format - Janine Gettier
* removed the unused 'k'eypoint point on extrudes - Sean Morrison
* added new dem-g terrain importer - Richard Weiss
* layout tweaks to display of selection lists in archer - Doug Howard
* activate primitive creation buttons in archer - Bob Parker
* activate wizard plugins and add tire wizard to archer - Bob Parker
* new initial manual page for bot_dump - Sean Morrison
* added editing support for hyperboloid primitive to mged - Cliff Yapp
* new 'lens' procedural tool for making optical lenses - Cliff Yapp

BRL-CAD 7.14.0

19 Mar 19:21
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--- 2008-11-04  Release 7.14.0                                     ---

Of the many enhancements included in this release, MGED gets a
powerful new command called 'search' that is very similar to the UNIX
'find' command but for geometry hierarchies.  Included in the
implementation of 'search' is the ability to list geometry that
matches a specified name using globbing patterns or regular
expressions.  You can also search for objects that have attributes
set, that are referenced in combinations, are at a particular depth in
the geometry hierarchy, and much more.  You can combine search
expressions together using boolean logic as well for even more
powerful operations.

* remove -empty option from mged "search" command - Cliff Yapp
* add -nnodes node count option to mged "search" command - Cliff Yapp
* upgraded libpng to 1.2.32 - Erik Greenwald
* fixed memory leak with in-memory geometry databases - Daniel Roßberg
* mged help menu is restructured for improved usability - Cliff Yapp
* update openNURBS to version 4.0.2007.0718 - Cliff Yapp
* handle (i.e., ignore) comments in asc2g conversions - Erik Greenwald
* fix crash in iges-g when run with -n option - John Anderson
* enhanced documentation management system within mged - Cliff Yapp
* conversion of documentation to Docbook format, editing, and review
        - Cliff Yapp, Janine Gettier
* improved benchmark suite usage and instructions - Sean Morrison
* improved mesh normals from Pro/E exporter - Bob Parker
* fixed 'bspline' surface primitive wireframe plot bug - John Anderson
* removed bot-raw, functionality replaced by bot_dump - Sean Morrison
* abort during non-planar collapse or simplify of NMG  - John Anderson
* jove is deprecated and will no longer be maintained - Sean Morrison
* plugged attribute memory leak in all database tools - Daniel Roßberg
* DSP tessellation honors cut type and handles zeros - John Anderson
* fixed 'gets' command input bug in mged - Sean Morrison, Bob Parker
* improved fast4-g DOS file line-ending support - Sean Morrison
* numerous documentation fixes to manual pages - Cliff Yapp
* bot_dump exporter for extracting BoT meshes unevaluated - Bob Parker
* fixed bug parsing long command lines in mged - Sean Morrison
* tessellation support for the DSP primitive - John Anderson
* additional logging options in Pro/E exporter - Bob Parker
* Pro/E exporter enhancements for dynamic tess tolerance - Bob Parker
* new search command enabling Unix find style searches - C. Yapp
* mged no longer requires PATH for internal commands - Sean Morrison
* mged 'edcolor' command turns into 'color -e' - Sean Morrison
* nirt dest command now avoids overwriting existing files - Cliff Yapp
* fixed mged_players error on tra in classic mode mged  - Bob Parker
* fix attr behavior when setting the region attribute - C. Yapp
* identified fix for "Illegal instruction" bug in rt - Simon Clubley
* mged get_regions and reid ignore duplicate regions - Sean Morrison
* added procedural geometry tools to the Windows port
        - Bob Parker, Andre Castelo
* integrated tgf-g with the default compile/install - Daniel Roßberg
* deprecated the mged '-n' option, use '-c' instead - Sean Morrison
* added the ability to invoke mged through icons/menus - Sean Morrison
* new -a option to mged 'killtree' for killing references - Bob Parker
* added new 'killrefs' command to mged - Bob Parker
* added -C color option to the mged 'E' command - Bob Parker
* fixed curvature calc bug in ehy primitive - Timothy Van Ruitenbeek
* added compilation support for MSVC 9 - André Castelo

BRL-CAD 7.12.6

19 Mar 19:22
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--- 2008-08-19  Release 7.12.6                                     ---

This release enhances the formatting options available "out of the
box" for the NIRT tool, allowing users to easily select different
data reporting options without having to define their own custom
configuration files.  CSV output options also allow for quick
and easy import into spreadsheets.  The new -L option lists available

The tire tool's behavior has been improved - it will no longer
overwrite pre-existing files and a "w" flag now accepts a value of
"0" to disable creation of the default wheel rim for modelers wishing
to supply their own rim.  A number of small but visual flaws in the
tread geometry definitions were also corrected.

MGED's dbconcat command works again without needing to specifying an
affix for object names when importing geometry from one database to
another.  Primitive selection via the Edit menu is working again
thanks to the fixing of the solid_illum bug. The pipe primitive's
performance problems during raytracing, due to unnecessary memory
allocations, are now fixed.  The extrude primitive's handling of
invalid geometry is now more robust.

* renamed mged binary command to bo for binary objects - Sean Morrison
* fixed bug that caused remote framebuffers to fail - Sean Morrison
* add w option to tire to allow disabling wheel generation - C. Yapp
* tweak tread 2 in tire tool; avoid artifacts on tread wall - C. Yapp
* fixed mged 'dbconcat' hang when not specifying an affix - Bob Parker
* fixed primitive selection solid_illum bug in mged - Bob Parker
* fix bug in tire tool's geometry causing 'nicks' in tread - C. Yapp
* increased raytrace performance of pipe primitive - John Anderson
* fixed bugs handling invalid extrude objects - Sean Morrison
* fixed dependency bug in library pkg-config files - Sean Morrison
* platform installers now use a more consistent naming convention
        - Sean Morrison, Bob Parker
* added new -c character option to the loop command - Dawn Thomas
* tire now checks for files instead of overwriting - Cliff Yapp
* add new nirt formatting options, -L listing option - C. Yapp
* fixed nirt 'dest' command file name string handling - Cliff Yapp
* modified mged nirt command to include air in results - Bob Parker

BRL-CAD 7.12.4

19 Mar 19:25
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--- 2008-05-29  Release 7.12.4                                     ---

This release contains numerous enhancements to MGED's mirror command,
now with the ability to mirror an object across arbitrary vectors or
points along a standard axis.  Additionally, nirt now has a new "gap"
option for reporting the empty spaces between objects on a given
shotline with additional formatting options under development.

The release also has a new procedural database geometry tool called
'tire'.  This new tool was developed by Cliff Yapp for the purpose of
creating highly detailed tires based on user-provided specifications.
Given standard tire dimension information, the program can generate a
corresponding curved sidewall tire on a fitted wheel and that has
detailed tread.  The results are impressively realistic tires.

* added '-l' list option to mged dbfindtree command - Bob Parker
* fixed minor memory leak during raytracing - Daniel Roßberg
* added '-+ t' rtcheck option to produce text plot output - Bob Parker
* added gap reporting option to nirt - Cliff Yapp
* added mirror command to archer - Bob Parker
* improve behavior of interactive nirt backout command - Cliff Yapp
* renamed mged dbbinary command to binary - Sean Morrison
* fixed rt/rtedge clipping bug - Bob Parker
* new mged mirror command options for arbitrary vectors - Bob Parker
* fix -k rt option to work for surface normal lighting - Cliff Yapp
* add tire proc-db for easy tire/wheel model creation - Cliff Yapp
* added query pixel support to the Windows framebuffer - Bob Parker
* mirror across a distance along a given axis in mged - Bob Parker

BRL-CAD 7.12.2

19 Mar 19:26
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--- 2008-04-23  Release 7.12.2                                     ---

* new pinewood boxcar example geometry database - Cliff Yapp
* add mk_arb5, mk_arb6 and mk_arb7 to libwdb - Cliff Yapp
* added xclone command to mged for xpushed deep copies - Bob Parker
* fixed clone infinite loop for combinations - Sean Morrison, C. Yapp
* wrap mged resource paths with spaces - Bob Parker, Elena Bautu
* new -k 'cutaway view' option added to rt - John Anderson
* improved mged classic mode display manager selection - Sean Morrison
* fixed mged crash when getting forms of sketch objects - Bob Parker
* new -u units option added to rtarea - Sean Morrison
* added uniform binary object creation to mged GUI - John Anderson
* added e, l, o, i options to mged saveview command - Sean Morrison

BRL-CAD 7.12.0

19 Mar 19:27
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--- 2008-03-11  Release 7.12.0                                     ---

Coalescing after just over a year of concentrated development efforts,
this release unveils a plethora of Windows-specific enhancements, bug
fixes, and additional tools ported.  Notably, the Windows improvements
include fixing various issues with file management and porting many
more ray tracers, geometry converters, framebuffer tools, and MGED
classic mode support.

This release also includes a new geometry converter for the United
Kingdom's INTAVAL format from Her Majesty's Ministry of Defence.  The
new importer was jointly developed by TNO PML and IABG mbH and is
included in the BRL-CAD sources as a contributed module.

Of the numerous bug fixes and feature enhancements in this release,
one of the biggest productivity enhancements is the addition of the
MGED "clone" and "tracker" commands.  Clone is a very powerful yet
simple command that provides an intuitive means for performing deep
copies of objects.  Tracker provides an interface for replicating
objects along a spline path.  These 'new' commands originate from
modifications originally developed by the now defunct Geometric
Solutions, Inc., and after receiving considerable updates and rewrites
are now once again available to users.

Finally, this release also marks a major change to the BRL-CAD source
code repository with a move from CVS to Subversion recently completed.
The conversion was successfully completed with the entire history of
BRL-CAD development preserved, accounting for nearly 25 years of
continuous active development.

* automatic redraw updates after Geometry Browser edits - Bob Parker
* improved Geometry Browser mouse behavior in mged - Bob Parker
* make fast4-g use GIFT_material=1 and los=100 - Sean Morrison
* fixed Mac OS X 'ogl' framebuffer crash - Sean Morrison, Bob Parker
* removed ogl framebuffer multiple window 'm' option - Sean Morrison
* tree -d option in mged for limiting tree display depth - Cliff Yapp
* added mouse color query support to OpenGL framebuffer - Bob Parker
* fixed X11 framebuffer colormapping bug - Bob Parker
* libpng updated to 1.2.25 - Erik Greenwald
* fixed several mged I/O bugs for stdin/stdout/stderr - Bob Parker
* nirt now uses bounding sphere for -b backout option - Erik Greenwald
* document the signals rt responds to for progress - Sean Morrison
* libpng updated to 1.2.24 - Erik Greenwald
* TCL/TK updated to 8.5.1 - Erik Greenwald
* mged now runs in the foreground by default - Erik Greenwald
* fixed g-dxf bug where incorrect object name is assigned - Bob Parker
* fixed browser-based mged help on Mac OS X - Sean Morrison
* added rest of BRL-CAD's geometry converters for Windows - Bob Parker
* added more missing framebuffer tools to Windows port - Bob Parker
* rtwizard enhancements for ghosting and display - Bob Parker
* mged reports failure if ray-tracer returns non-zero - Sean Morrison
* improved mged corrupt geometry file handling - Sean Morrison
* improved dbconcat object suffix and prefix options - Sean Morrison
* Tcl/Tk updated to 8.5 final from 8.5b1 - Erik Greenwald
* fixed PIX image file creation bug on Windows - Bob Parker
* ported rtwizard to function properly on Windows - Bob Parker
* fixed mged text-editing commands on Windows platform - Bob Parker
* removed duplicate points text-editing ARBs in mged - John Anderson
* improved mged ted line-ending support using wordpad - Bob Parker
* fixed g_diff bug where some differences were missed - John Anderson
* fixed bug evaluating metaball normals - Erik Greenwald, Ed Davisson
* improved metaball primitive rendering - Erik Greenwald
* fixed bug in mged rcc-cap command when using 't' option - Bob Parker
* mged classic mode now works on Windows platform - Bob Parker
* fixed Windows-specific raytrace framebuffer delay - Bob Parker
* new tracker tool for extracting NEWS tracker data - Sean Morrison
* converted source repository from CVS to Subversion - Sean Morrison
* new 'dir2ae' mged command for getting az/el from dir - Sean Morrison
* new 'ae2dir' mged command for getting dir from az/el - Bob Parker
* fixed empty name crash when using mged 'lt' command  - Sean Morrison
* Pro/E plugin allows spaces in part name mapping file - Sean Morrison
* Pro/E plugin creates 'top.#' if 'top' already exists - Sean Morrison
* fixed asc2g bug on Windows that caused a crash on exit - Bob Parker
* fixed bugs in several Utah Raster Toolkit tools - Pedro Giffuni
* fixed mged start-up initialization bug on Windows - Daniel Roßberg
* graceful handling of mesh normal failures - Sean Morrison
* fixed variety of g-iges and other exporter crashes - Sean Morrison
* fixed crash-on-exit cleanup bug in g-off exporter - Sean Morrison
* fixed crash when xpush was called on a primitive - Erik Greenwald
* fixed Windows port 'opendb' command crash - Bob Parker
* added configurable max_dist depth option to rtedge - Erik Greenwald
* added rest of BRL-CAD's ray-tracers to the Windows port - Bob Parker
* enabled embedded framebuffer support in Windows port - Bob Parker
* fixed garbled output during parallel crash reports - Sean Morrison
* fixed memory deallocation bug in the raytracers - Bob Parker
* renamed 'hd' hexadecimal dump utility to 'hex' - Sean Morrison
* renamed procedural 'wall' generator to 'masonry' - Sean Morrison
* mged 'tol' command now accepts multiple tolerances - Sean Morrison
* TCL and TK updated to 8.5b1. itcl/itk to dev 3.4. - Erik Greenwald
* fixed non-normalized vector bugs with ARBN objects - John Anderson
* pix-png warns if PNG is smaller than the PIX input - Sean Morrison
* new tgf-g INTAVAL importer - TNO PML, IABG mbH
* removed longjmp warning message from applications - Sean Morrison
* upgraded bundled incrTcl to version 3.3 - Erik Greenwald
* fixed bug with -g/-G cell size options to rt - John Anderson
* 'tree' command without args now shows e'd objects - Sean Morrison
* new pix-fb -p option to pause before exiting - Karel Kulhavy
* fixed mged 'B' command behavior with -A and no args - John Anderson
* updated bundled libpng to version 1.2.21 - Erik Greenwald
* removed raytrace image continuation code - Erik Greenwald
* new mged 'clone' command for performing deep copies of objects
        - Adam Ross, Sean Morrison, Erik Greenwald
* new mged 'tracker' object routing command - Sean Morrison
* fixed crash in mged ls -A attribute listing command - Sean Morrison
* fixed dbconcat of empty combinations, crash in mged - John Anderson

BRL-CAD 7.10.4

20 Mar 14:57
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--- 2007-10-24  Release 7.10.4                                     ---

A major productivity change introduced in this release is
tab-completion in MGED.  John Anderson's addition of tab-completion to
MGED allows modelers to have command and object names automatically
completed when they press the tab key when operating on the MGED
command line.  If there are multiple matches, the user is presented
with the list of those possible matches, similar to what one might see
in a UNIX shell.

After much debate and demand, this minor release marks a rather
significant change in default behaviors for RT and MGED.  The
ray-tracers that utilize a framebuffer interface now all create
lingering windows by default instead of transient windows.  One of the
main impacts of this change is that users should no longer need to
specify the linger option when ray-tracing to a window via the -F
framebuffer option nor do they need to set the FB_FILE environment
variable in order to get the window to remain displayed.
Additionally, the default MGED preference setting for Z clipping is
now disabled in order to reduce confusion with clipped geometry.

* lingering framebuffer windows by default - Sean Morrison
* improved matrix readability on mged 'red' command - Karel Kulhavy
* "editor" for ted commands can be set in .mgedrc - Erik Greenwald
* fixed benchmark results computation on Solaris - Erik Greenwald
* fixed database corruption bug caused during dbconcat - John Anderson
* mirror BoT primitives - Sean Morrison
* BoT vertex selection in mged reports local units - Sean Morrison
* improved photon map irradiance progress reporting - Erik Greenwald
* tab-completion for mged - John Anderson
* quelled various flawfinder security issues - Erik Greenwald
* fixed photon-mapping lighting model crash - Erik Greenwald
* ADRT libtie bug fixes and performance enhancements - Justin Shumaker
* mged now tests for vim before vi for text editing - Sean Morrison
* fixed parallel operability bug on the Intel Mac - Erik Greenwald
* detect actual available CPUs on an Intel Mac - Erik Greenwald
* Z clipping now off by default in mged - Sean Morrison
* added pipe primitive performance optimizations - John Anderson
* handle discontinuous changes in pipe inner radii - John Anderson
* allow rt more than available cpus for debugging - Sean Morrison
* fixed small TGC (cone) primitive raytrace prep bug - Sean Morrison
* increased output precision from nirt/query_ray - Sean Morrison
* removed op-bw for reading Optronics Scanner images - Sean Morrison
* beset - Ben's Evolutionary Shape Extraction Tool - Ben Poole