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Releases: BRL-CAD/brlcad

BRL-CAD 7.10.2

19 Mar 19:29
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--- 2007-05-16  Release 7.10.2                                     ---

* support infinite # of shadow rays in the raytracers - Sean Morrison
* improved anim_hardtrack manual page documentation - Erik Greenwald
* added 'bomb' command to mged for script termination - Sean Morrison
* mged and pl-X automatically focus to X11 on Mac OS X - Sean Morrison
* pl-X functionality enhancements for displaying plots - Sean Morrison
* fixed g_diff bug where -f option missed differences - John Anderson
* fixed mged 'units' command, reports current setting - John Anderson
* benchmark tool automatically logs all output to file - Sean Morrison
* added 'clobber' cleanup command to benchmark tool - Sean Morrison
* added NIST's Template Numerical Toolkit - Sean Morrison
* prevent pix-png from writing png data to a tty - Sean Morrison
* generate crash report files during application abort - Sean Morrison
* upgrade bundled tcl/tk from 8.5a5 to 8.5a6 (AquaTk) - Sean Morrison
* fixed memory leak in librtserver - John Anderson
* converters abort early on corrupted input geometry - John Anderson
* fixed versioning issues in source distributions - Sean Morrison
* new BRL-CAD installer for Windows using NSIS - Jonathan Bonomo
* added a brlcad-config configuration script - Sean Morrison
* added pkg-config files for core libraries - Sean Morrison
* fixed deadlock bug related to rtarea - Sean Morrison, John Anderson
* fixed bug in mged command prompt with page up/down - Sean Morrison
* added attr and make_name commands to archer - Bob Parker

BRL-CAD 7.10.0

19 Mar 19:30
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--- 2007-04-09  Release 7.10.0                                     ---

With this release marks several significant changes to BRL-CAD's
licensing in order to simplify the distribution terms and increase
overall flexibility of use.  All application front-end code in BRL-CAD
is converted from the GNU General Public License (GPLv2) to the less
restrictive GNU Lesser General Public License (LGPLv2.1).

For documents not already in the public domain, BRL-CAD's default
documentation license terms are also changed from the dual-licensed
GFDL/GPL terms to the BSD Documentation License (BDL).  Originally
derived from the FreeBSD Documentation License, the BDL is effectively
the BSD License with language as it applies specifically to
documentation.  The terms of the BDL are just as flexible allowing
practically any use, whether it be commercial or private, so long as
the authors are appropriately credited.

As a collective work, BRL-CAD is being distributed under the terms of
the LGPL.  Individual portions of BRL-CAD, save for a few 3rd party
codes, effectively fall into one of the following three license
categories: 1) LGPL, 2) BSD/BDL, or 3) are in the public domain.  See
the terms of each individual license as well as BRL-CAD's COPYING file
for more details.

* fixed -i argument bug in g-acad, g-dxf, g-nff, g-obj - Shawn Baker
* framebuffer toggle added to raytrace panel in mged - Sean Morrison
* fixed rtedge multithreaded output render bug - Erik Greenwald
* fixed jove/termcap issues on Mac OS X - Sean Morrison
* increased output precision on mged 'analyze' command - Sean Morrison
* prevent mged shutdown on DSP objects with no data - Sean Morrison
* integration into the Arch Linux packaging system - Loui Chang
* upgrade of bundled tcl/tk from 8.4.6 to 8.5a5 - Sean Morrison
* improved EOL processing in 70+ tools - Sean Morrison, John Anderson
* rewrote pixcmp providing improved I/O format options - Sean Morrison
* added new manual page for pixcmp utility - Sean Morrison
* updated bundled zlib to version 1.2.3 - Sean Morrison
* updated bundled libpng to version 1.2.16 - Sean Morrison
* fixed Windows line-ending bug in dxf-g - John Anderson
* g_qa manual page documents the -t tolerance option - Lee Butler
* updated bundled blt to blt2.4z-patch-2 - Sean Morrison
* dxf-g turns 2D entities into sketches instead of nmg - John Anderson
* removed advertising clause from BSD code - Sean Morrison
* fix index bug, allow material ID of zero in rtweight - Karel Kulhavy
* fixed multiple frame render bug in raytracers - Karel Kulhavy
* mged help command now shows help for all args listed - Sean Morrison

BRL-CAD 7.8.4

19 Mar 19:31
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--- 2006-10-16  Release 7.8.4                                      ---

* support for handling larger hierarchies in archer - Doug Howard
* added distance measurement tool to archer - Bob Parker
* added component selection capabilities to archer - Bob Parker
* new script to extract gforge task items - Lee Butler, Sean Morrison
* substantial additions and mods to source documentation - Lee Butler
* added scripts to facetize all regions in a database - Lee Butler
* added script to expand combinations to multiple objects - Lee Butler
* prevent infinite loop on classic mged attach prompt - Sean Morrison
* ctrl-d on empty shell line now quits mged - Sean Morrison
* added archer geometry/view loading via command-line arg - Bob Parker
* mged tree command now supports -o/-i, matches docs - John Anderson
* improved beginning-of-line input processing in stl-g - John Anderson
* improved end-of-line input processing in dxf-g - John Anderson
* support for longer Fastgen object names in fast4-g - Sean Morrison
* improved 'ted' mged command text editor support - Sean Morrison
* support mged EDITOR environment override on Windows - Sean Morrison
* fixed mged crash on P binding when not in edit mode - Sean Morrison
* improved FreeBSD 64bit support, fixes AMD64 crash - Erik Greenwald
* allow unlimited light samples during ray tracing - Sean Morrison
* new script for computing BRL-CAD file line counts - Sean Morrison
* fixed mged extrude of empty sketch display crash - Sean Morrison
* re-enabled png-ipu, pix-ipu, ipustat, ipuscan - Sean Morrison
* updated archer splash screen - Bob Parker
* archer enhancements for displaying view parameters - Bob Parker
* improved mged grid zooming using pixel size - John Anderson
* fixed mged hang caused by extreme grid zooming bug - John Anderson
* ported jove to SGI Altix platform, fixed crash bug - Sean Morrison
* increase default mged scrollback to 10k lines - Sean Morrison
* improved support for Mac "delete" keys in mged - Sean Morrison
* mged vi-mode command edit history searching - James (swcto)
* bigger, better vi command line editing in mged - James (swcto)
* rt command script 'ae' no longer resets view scale - Sean Morrison
* fixed asc-nmg manual page usage examples - Sean Morrison

BRL-CAD 7.8.2

19 Mar 19:32
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--- 2006-06-20  Release 7.8.2                                      ---

This release includes a new example geometry model, a "Toy Barbie
Jeep" (see note below regarding trademarks) that was modeled in 2005
over the course of a day by a small group of students attending a free
hands-on BRL-CAD training class at SURVICE Engineering, Inc.  The
class involved working in groups to simulate a real-world
time-constrained modeling experience taking measurements of a real toy
vehicle, considering what aspects of the vehicle are important for
analytic purposes, deciding how to best represent complex geometric
shapes, modeling the parts of the vehicle in MGED, assembling the
components together, and running geometric processing and rendering
tools on the final model.

The DXF importer received considerable updates this iteration, with
John Anderson providing additional support for a variety of 2D DXF

* fixed asc-nmg bug that caused a crash on exit - John Anderson
* fixed minor mged memory leak - Jim Monte
* added archer version info to bottom of about dialog - Bob Parker
* added a beta vertex array exporter (g-var) - Prasad Silva
* archer support for multi-select and cut-n-paste - Doug Howard
* added newly supported entities to dxf-g manual page - John Anderson
* fixed asc2g bug reading files with carriage returns - Sean Morrison
* added dbupgrade manual page - Sean Morrison
* updated the g2asc manual page with format details - Sean Morrison
* fixed g_diff attribute comparison issue - Sean Morrison
* g_diff reports more detail whether differences exist - Sean Morrison
* g2asc now saves additional _GLOBAL attribute values - Sean Morrison
* fixed g2asc export of null units bug - Sean Morrison
* fixed libwdb corruption when creating pipes - Daniel Roßberg
* fixed crash in release build concerning bot's - Daniel Roßberg
* new toy barbie jeep geometry - Various Students
* considerable dxf-g enhancements, more entity support - John Anderson

Note: Barbie and Jeep are trademarks of Mattel Inc. and the
Daimler-Chrysler Corporation respectively.  No endorsement is intended
or implied.

BRL-CAD 7.8.0

19 Mar 19:32
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--- 2006-04-11  Release 7.8.0                                      ---

This release marks a major milestone in the massive effort by the
BRL-CAD developers and the open source community to provide a complete
port of BRL-CAD to the Microsoft Windows platform.  This effort
includes particular support and contributions from SURVICE
Engineering, Inc., TNO Prins Maurits Laboratory, the U.S. Army
Research Library (ARL), and others.  The Windows port effort was
started several years ago, primarily through efforts of friends at the
U.S. Army Aviation and Missile Research Development and Engineering
Center (AMRDEC) and CG2, Inc.  Over the past year, the development
effort was accelerated to a stable status through the work of SURVICE
working for ARL.

This release also includes another major contribution by SURVICE
Engineering, Inc., a new modeling tool called Archer.  A more detailed
announcement and overview of Archer will be given in the near future
after the new tool is more fully integrated into the build system and
tested further.

Other noteworthy enhancements provided in this release include new
sample applications that demonstrate the capabilities of the libpkg
networking library, in-memory geometry database processing, reshooting
of rays from analysis codes for testing purposes, and the librt root
solver.  For analysts and modelers alike, the MGED modeler also
acquires a few new commands including reid and remat that respectively
assist with the assignment of region and material identifiers.

* fixed mged B command bad geometry resource bug - John Anderson
* new tracker tool for extracting tracker data - Sean Morrison
* added manual page for benchmark tool - Sean Morrison
* fixed g-dxf export compatibility issue - John Anderson
* smoother sketch primitive spline drawing - Sean Morrison
* fixed read bug in giftorle - Sean Morrison
* fixed multiply referenced object illumination bug - Sean Morrison
* improved nmg tessellation support reliability - Sean Morrison
* new tpkg ttcp-style example application using libpkg - Sean Morrison
* new roots_example root solving sample application - Sean Morrison
* prevent several g-nmg segfaults during tessellation - Sean Morrison
* fixed brlman/awf `./"' unsupported or unknown issue - Sean Morrison
* new g_transfer in-memory geometry example program - Sean Morrison
* new reshoot program to reshoot rays & compare results - Lee Butler
* added support for -F framebuffer option to fb-bw - Sean Morrison
* reid mged command, recursively assign region IDs - Sean Morrison
* remat mged command, recursively assign a material ID - Sean Morrison
* get_regions mged command, list assembly regions - Sean Morrison
* extensive Windows build support enhancements - Bob Parker
* new Archer modeling and visualization tool - Bob Parker, Doug Howard
* raytracers use image size for default aspect ratio - Sean Morrison
* fixed benchmark sqrt of negative numbers error - Sean Morrison
* raytracer performance enhancements - Sean Morrison

BRL-CAD 7.6.6

19 Mar 19:33
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--- 2005-12-15  Release 7.6.6                                      ---

Continuing with the newly added point collection and reverse modeling
techniques provide in the previous release, this iteration improves
upon that support fixing several issues and refining the modeling
techniques.  Additionally, after more than a year of passively
researching and investigating, this release now accounts for the
majority of known contributors to BRL-CAD over the project's
existence.  This is part of an on-going effort to document the history
of BRL-CAD over the past 20 years.

* improved mged resource searching when not installed - Sean Morrison
* significant AUTHORS file updates, all names filed - Sean Morrison
* fixed sketch primitive bezier path computation bug - Sean Morrison
* cleaned up erroneous rtedge end of line output - Sean Morrison
* configure --enable/disable-everything option - Sean Morrison
* updated g_qa manual page documentation - Lee Butler
* early termination grid spacing limit bug in g_qa fixed - Lee Butler
* fixed Jove sandbox installation issue - Sean Morrison
* fixed adrt/isst client crash bug - Mike Caruso, Razak Arunaogun
* fixed modified env(PATH) startup issue in mged - Sean Morrison
* fixed benchmark tool default resource location bug - Sean Morrison
* added another text alignment handler to dxf-g - John Anderson
* clamped integer value printing of primitives in mged - Sean Morrison
* removed gratuitous nmg debug printing from mged - Sean Morrison
* fixed grouping bug, mged point importer - Jason Owens, Sean Morrison
* improved mged point import support - Lee Butler, Sean Morrison
* fixed bug in plate orientation of mged point importer - Lee Butler

BRL-CAD 7.6.4

19 Mar 19:35
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--- 2005-11-12  Release 7.6.4                                      ---

This release adds a new geometry creation interface to MGED that
supports reverse modeling geometry of existing objects.  New geometry
creation commands read point data sets in a simple text file format,
recognizing categories and collections of points.  Using
point-acquisition devices such as X-Station Vulcan advanced surveying
systems from Arc Second Inc., points may be collected and used in MGED
to facilitate the generation of geometry models.  Collection
techniques are recognized for polygonal plates, cylinders, spheres,
point clouds, and more.

* auto-locate mged external apps regardless of PATH - Sean Morrison
* mged utilizes a local display if unspecified/unset - Sean Morrison
* set default mged Escape key binding to reject - Sean Morrison
* fixed 'benchmark' tool resource searching - Sean Morrison
* added -u option to mged "make_bb" to allow air - Lee Butler
* fixed IBM AIX compiler support issues - Sean Morrison
* head/tail -n usage posix compliance - Stefan Fiedler, Sean Morrison
* fixed jove compilation issues - Sean Morrison, Daniel Remenak
* fixed conversion bug in the dxf-g converter - John Anderson
* point parsing/import interface to mged - Sean Morrison, Lee Butler
* fixed bug in export of NMG primitives - John Anderson
* fixed itcl configuration issue - Stefan Fiedler, Sean Morrison
* fixed g_qa tolerance option parsing inconsistency - Sean Morrison
* improved mged 'tol' command tolerance value checks - Sean Morrison
* fixed tgc absolute tessellation tolerance issue - Sean Morrison
* optional build support checks for X11 and OpenGL - Sean Morrison
* improved Windows build support - Bob Parker, Daniel Roßberg
* isst observer 2x screen magnification - Justin Shumaker
* added los and material name support to librtserver - John Anderson
* improved 64bit support for ADRT - Justin Shumaker
* updated manual page documentation - Sean Morrison
* added support for text handling to dxf-g - John Anderson

BRL-CAD 7.6.2

20 Mar 14:48
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--- 2005-09-29  Release 7.6.2                                      ---

In order to resolve an integration issue with the MUVES-S2
vulnerability analysis code, this special release of BRL-CAD was put
together providing updated tclscripts that work correctly when
embedded into MUVES-S2.  This release also facilitates BRL-CAD's
integration with AJEM as well for their corresponding release.

* fixed 'embedded mged' tclscript files - Karen Murray, Sean Morrison

BRL-CAD 7.6.0

19 Mar 19:35
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--- 2005-09-08  Release 7.6.0                                      ---

This release includes the addition of a new geometry "Quantitative
Analysis" tool called g_qa.  This tool is a new tool that combines
some of the features of rtweight, rtcheck and g_lint, providing a
robust means for computing the weight and volume of objects while also
allowing a means to report overlaps, air gaps, external air regions,
bounding box dimensions, and more.

* configuration build fixes for Tk/Iwidgets - Michal Slonina
* fixed bug in mged overlay command handling of EOF - Lee Butler
* renamed g-wave converter to g-obj - Sean Morrison
* mged will now work without being installed - Sean Morrison
* improved ADRT build support - Sean Morrison
* improved build support detection for OpenGL and X11 - Sean Morrison
* performance enhancements to ADRT - Justin Shumaker
* enabled SGI knobs and button box support for IRIX - Sean Morrison
* fixed mged startup resource bug - Enrique Perez-Terron
* Enhancements to g_qa for stability and performance. - Lee Butler
* 'make test' now runs against an uninstalled  build tree - Lee Butler
* new nightly regression test framework - Lee Butler
* g_qa now has option to report interfaces/connections - Lee Butler
* mged relocation support - Sean Morrison
* Doxygen changes to source code comments - Lee Butler, Sean Duvall

BRL-CAD 7.4.2

20 Mar 14:47
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--- 2005-08-10  Release 7.4.2                                      ---

Continuing with the impressive ADRT tool suite being provided by
Justin Shumaker is the addition of the Interactive Shot Selection Tool
(ISST).  Using ISST, you can spin large facetized models around in
real-time, slice through them with rays, and examine the geometric
components along a given path.  The tool will take advantage of
clusters and SMP hardware similar to RISE, providing a master job
manager, a slave compute daemon for network distributed processing,
and a client for interacting with and viewing the models.

* fixed ray-trace unique hits evaluation bug - John Anderson
* added manual page for remapid - John Anderson
* fixed quick memory debugging bug - Jim Hunt
* improved brlman relocation - Sean Morrison
* added g_qa geometry quality analysis tool (beta) - Lee Butler
* added adrt interactive shot selection tool - Justin Shumaker
* simultaneous -o and -F options to rt, rtedge, rtxray - Sean Morrison