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Standalone Batch Application based on spring-batch. This application will create various table in analytics DB like Patient Information, Program Enrollment Information, Drug Orders (TB and Non-TB), Various forms filled by the users (Observation Templates), Bacteriology forms information

Setting up Dev Environment


  • java 8

Setting up Git Hooks and Test DB

To setup git hooks please run the following command

sh scripts/dev/

We have 2 githooks configured so far

  1. pre-commit hook to check the message formatting
  2. pre-push hook to prompt developer to increment the build version on master branch with every new feature change



To build JAR run the following command

./gradlew clean build

Checks/ Verifications


To run tests run the following command

./gradlew test


To check code coverage run the following command

./gradlew clean jacocoTestCoverageVerification


To check code style run the following command

./gradlew clean checkstyleMain checkstyleTest


To run all chesks present in bahmni mart run the following command

./gradlew clean check

Deployment Steps


  • Ansible Playbook (v2.2). To install it, run the following command

    yum install ansible-

Installation Steps

To install bahmni-mart follow the steps given below

  • Download Bahmni-mart playbook from Github

    wget -O /tmp/ && unzip -o /tmp/ -d /tmp && sudo rm -rf /etc/bahmni-mart-playbook && sudo mv /tmp/bahmni-mart-playbook-master /etc/bahmni-mart-playbook && rm -rf /tmp/
  • Update /etc/bahmni-mart-playbook/inventories/bahmni-mart inventory file as per your requirement

  • Update the values presents in /etc/bahmni-mart-playbook/setup.yml inventory file as per your requirement

  • Before running the installtion please add the following parameters in setup.yml file

    • analytics_db_password
    • openmrs_db_password
    • metabase_db_password

    Note : Password should be a Non Empty string.

  • HTTPS for metabase (optional)

    • Let's encrypt

      • Certificates generated from let's encrypt can be used for metabase by converting them into jks format. Update the following properties in setup.yml to run metabase with https.
      Property Comment
      metabase_with_ssl Set to true to add ssl certificate for metabase. When this is true, the properties bahmni_lets_encrypt_cert_dir, metabase_keystore_password should be provided. Default value is 'false'
      bahmni_lets_encrypt_cert_dir Let's encrypt certificates directory, it is mandatory if metabase_with_ssl set to true. Eg: /etc/letsencrypt/live/
      metabase_keystore_password Some password to generate jks file, it is mandatory if metabase_with_ssl set to true

    Since let's encrypt certificates expires after 90 days, you need to regenerate jks file after renewing bahmni certificates. Use following command to regenerate jks file

    /opt/bahmni-mart/bin/ <bahmni_lets_encrypt_cert_dir> <metabase_keystore_password>

    Stop metabase container and update metabase docker container

    docker-compose -f /opt/bahmni-mart/metabase-ssl-docker-compose.yml up -d
    • Custom ssl
      • If you use other than let's encrypt certificates, generate jks(Java Key Store) file from your ssl certificate and provide jks file path in custom_keystore_location and provide the metabase_keystore_password(password which was used to generating jks file)

Command to deploy mart

Metabase without ssl

ansible-playbook -i /etc/bahmni-mart-playbook/inventories/bahmni-mart /etc/bahmni-mart-playbook/all.yml --extra-vars '@/etc/bahmni-mart-playbook/setup.yml' --skip-tags "custom_ssl,lets_encrypt_ssl,authentication" -vv

Metabase with let's encrypt ssl(optional)

ansible-playbook -i /etc/bahmni-mart-playbook/inventories/bahmni-mart /etc/bahmni-mart-playbook/all.yml --extra-vars '@/etc/bahmni-mart-playbook/setup.yml' --skip-tags "without_ssl,custom_ssl,authentication" -vv

Metabase with custom ssl(optional)

ansible-playbook -i /etc/bahmni-mart-playbook/inventories/bahmni-mart /etc/bahmni-mart-playbook/all.yml --extra-vars '@/etc/bahmni-mart-playbook/setup.yml' --skip-tags "without_ssl,lets_encrypt_ssl,authentication" -vv

Note: Above playbook deploys bahmni-mart along with metabase(docker container) and spring cloud data flow server(docker container)

  • Update bahmni-mart config. The config will be present in /var/www/bahmni_config/bahmni-mart/bahmni-mart.json

Access the Application

Bahmni-mart application should be installed on you system. To create flattened DB from CLI, run bahmni-mart command.

You can access Bahmni-mart and other application from browser also.

Application URL Comment
Bahmni mart http://<HOST NAME>:9393/dashboard/#/tasks/definitions/launch/create-bahmni-mart Only if bahmni-mart-scdf is installed
Metabase http://<HOST NAME>:9003 Only if metabase is installed

Commands to Remember

  • docker ps -a (Check status of docker containers)
  • docker logs -f metabase (Check logs of metabase container)
  • docker logs -f dataflow-server (Check logs of dataflow-server container)
  • docker stop <CONATAINER NAME> (Stop specific docker container)
  • docker start <CONTAINER NAME> (Start specific docker container)
  • curl -X POST <HOST NAME>:9393/tasks/executions\?name\=create-bahmni-mart (Once Spring Cloud Dataflow Server is up, you can launch task using UI. But if you want to do it from command line you can run this command. It will launch create-bahmni-mart task)
  • tail -100f /var/log/bahmni-mart/bahmmni-mart.log (Log of create-bahmni-mart task will be present in /var/log/bahmni-mart/bahmni-mart.log of your host machine. Use this command to get last 100 lines of the file)

Implementers Note

For implementers note please check here.