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Lisa Zorn edited this page Nov 6, 2017 · 1 revision

Home > TravelModel > UsersGuide > DataDictionary > WalkAccessBuffers

To ameliorate the impact of MTC's large travel analysis zones (TAZ) on travel-related decisions, each TAZ is segmented into one of three non-spatial sub-zones, as follows: (i) the percent of activities located within a short-walk to transit (defined as one-third of a mile); (ii) percent of activities located within a long-walk to transit (defined as two-thirds of a mile); and, (iii) percent of activities that cannot be accessed on foot from transit. When making location decisions, simulated travelers select a TAZ as well as a sub-zone. The sub-zones are defined by a CSV file with the following column headers and data values:

  • TAZ - The travel analysis zone number (Integer);
  • SHRT - The probability of an activity in this zone occuring within a short-walk to transit (Float);
  • LONG - The probability of an activity in this zone occurring between a short- and long-walk to transit (Float).

-- Main.DavidOry - 27 Jan 2012

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