Texas Child Care Facilities data mapped to make it easier for families to determine, which licensed facility works best for their needs.
When my son was born, I had to choose a child care facility very quickly after losing in-home care when he was 15 months old. I tackled the problem like a data analyst!
I found the list of licensed child care facilities in Texas, all 13,0000+ facilities. For me, I needed a facility that would take infants and was relatively close to my home and work. I also did not want a large facility, so I used the capacity as a filter.
See the geoplot python file
I did basic cleaning and converting of the data types using Python and the Pandas library. What was challenging was obtaining the lat-longs for 13,000+ addresses. Working with Tableau Public, it does not convert street addresses, and you are limited to only doing an analysis by city. I ended up using Geocodio to convert the addresses to lat-longs.
I imported the data into Tableau and created a Story board to explore the data set.
Texas Child Care Facilities
- Add images
hyperlink the links- explore how to web scrape the data from the .gov website, which will make the process more automated.
- Consider changing Y/N to Yes/No using python, so it looks nicer in a Tableau display.