Building interactive command line interfaces effortlessly.
Table of Contents
PyClack is a Python library designed to simplify the creation of interactive command-line interfaces. It provides both low-level components for custom CLI development and high-level, pre-styled prompts for immediate use.
- Rich set of interactive prompts (text, password, select, multiselect, confirm)
- Unicode support with automatic fallbacks
- Consistent styling and color themes
- Keyboard navigation (arrow keys, vim-style hjkl)
- Error handling and validation
- Support for async/await
- Spinner for async operations
- Extensive customization options
PyClack can be installed using pip with different installation options:
pip install pyclack-cli # Base installation
pip install pyclack-cli[core] # Core features
pip install pyclack-cli[prompts] # Prompts features
pip install pyclack-cli[all] # Everything
- readchar library:
The library follows a two-tier architecture:
- Core components provide the foundational building blocks with maximum flexibility
- Prompts package offers pre-styled, production-ready components for immediate use
PyClack is organized into three main packages:
: Low-level components for building custom CLIs/prompts
: Ready-to-use, styled prompt components/utils
: Utility functions for styling and terminal operations
The Prompt
class in /core
is the foundation for all interactive prompts in PyClack. It handles:
- Keyboard input processing
- Terminal rendering
- State management
- Event handling
- Cursor positioning
from pyclack.core import Prompt
from typing import Optional, Callable, Any, Union
class Prompt:
def __init__(
render: Callable[['Prompt'], Optional[str]], # Render function
placeholder: str = '', # Placeholder text
initial_value: Any = None, # Starting value
validate: Optional[Callable[[Any], Optional[str]]] = None, # Validation
debug: bool = False, # Debug mode
track_value: bool = True # Value tracking
: Current prompt state ('initial', 'active', 'cancel', 'submit', 'error')value
: Current value of the prompterror
: Current error message if validation fails_cursor
: Internal cursor positioncols
: Terminal width
: Start the prompt and handle user inputhandle_key(key: str)
: Process keyboard inputrender()
: Render the current frameon(event: str, callback: Callable)
: Add event listeneremit(event: str, *args)
: Emit an event
Here's a step-by-step guide to creating a custom prompt. Let's implement a simple numeric input prompt as an example:
from pyclack.core import Prompt
from pyclack.utils.styling import Color
from typing import Optional, Callable, Any, Union
class NumericPrompt(Prompt):
def __init__(
render: Callable[['NumericPrompt'], str],
min_value: float = float('-inf'),
max_value: float = float('inf'),
initial_value: float = 0,
debug: bool = False
# Initialize parent class
validate=self._validate, # Custom validation
self.min_value = min_value
self.max_value = max_value
self._text_buffer = []
self.value_with_cursor = ''
# Set up event handlers
self.on('key', self._handle_key)
self.on('finalize', self._handle_finalize)
def _validate(self, value: str) -> Optional[str]:
"""Custom validation logic."""
num = float(value)
if num < self.min_value:
return f"Value must be ≥ {self.min_value}"
if num > self.max_value:
return f"Value must be ≤ {self.max_value}"
return None
except ValueError:
return "Please enter a valid number"
def _handle_key(self, char: str):
"""Handle numeric input and decimal point."""
if char == readchar.key.BACKSPACE:
if self._cursor > 0:
self._text_buffer.pop(self._cursor - 1)
self._cursor -= 1
elif char.isdigit() or (char == '.' and '.' not in self._text_buffer):
self._text_buffer.insert(self._cursor, char)
self._cursor += 1
self.value = ''.join(self._text_buffer)
def _handle_finalize(self, *args):
"""Handle final value conversion."""
self.value = float(self.value) if self.value else 0
except ValueError:
self.value = 0
self.value_with_cursor = str(self.value)
def _update_value_with_cursor(self):
"""Update display value with cursor."""
if self._cursor >= len(self.value):
self.value_with_cursor = f"{self.value}{Color.inverse(Color.hidden('_'))}"
s1 = self.value[:self._cursor]
s2 = self.value[self._cursor:]
self.value_with_cursor = f"{s1}{Color.inverse(s2[0])}{s2[1:]}"
async def prompt(self) -> Union[float, object]:
"""Start the prompt and return final value."""
self._text_buffer = list(str(self.initial_value)) if self.initial_value else []
self._cursor = len(self._text_buffer)
result = await super().prompt()
return float(result) if result is not None else result
async def main():
def render(prompt):
return f"Enter a number ({prompt.min_value}-{prompt.max_value}): {prompt.value_with_cursor}"
numeric = NumericPrompt(
result = await numeric.prompt()
print(f"You entered: {result}")
The prompt maintains its state internally:
self.state = 'initial' # One of: initial, active, cancel, submit, error
Subscribe to events using the on()
self.on('key', self._handle_key) # Key press events
self.on('finalize', self._handle_finalize) # Value finalization
self.on('cursor', self._handle_cursor) # Cursor movement
The render function determines the prompt's appearance:
def render(prompt):
return f"Value: {prompt.value_with_cursor}"
Track and update the value:
self.value = ''.join(self._text_buffer) # Current value
self._update_value_with_cursor() # Display value
Process keyboard input in _handle_key
def _handle_key(self, char: str):
if char.isdigit(): # Allow only digits
self._text_buffer.insert(self._cursor, char)
self._cursor += 1
Implement validation logic:
def _validate(self, value: str) -> Optional[str]:
num = float(value)
return None # Valid
except ValueError:
return "Invalid number" # Error message
Text input component with cursor movement and editing:
from pyclack.core import TextPrompt
async def custom_text():
prompt = TextPrompt(
render=lambda p: f"Enter text: {p.value_with_cursor}",
placeholder="Type here...",
result = await prompt.prompt()
Secure password input with masked characters:
from pyclack.core import PasswordPrompt
async def custom_password():
prompt = PasswordPrompt(
render=lambda p: f"Password: {p.masked}",
result = await prompt.prompt()
Single-selection menu:
from pyclack.core import SelectPrompt, Option
async def custom_select():
options = [
Option("apple", "Apple"),
Option("banana", "Banana")
prompt = SelectPrompt(
render=lambda p: f"Select: {p.options[p.cursor].label}",
result = await prompt.prompt()
Multiple-selection component with checkboxes:
from pyclack.core import MultiSelectPrompt, Option
async def custom_multiselect():
options = [
Option("red", "Red"),
Option("blue", "Blue")
prompt = MultiSelectPrompt(
render=lambda p: "Selected: " +
", ".join(opt.label for opt in p.options if opt.value in p.value),
result = await prompt.prompt()
Loading indicator for async operations:
from pyclack.core import Spinner
spinner = Spinner()
# Do work
The prompts
package provides pre-styled components ready for immediate use.
from pyclack.prompts import text
result = await text(
message="What's your name?",
placeholder="Enter name",
validate=lambda x: "Too short" if len(x) < 3 else None
from pyclack.prompts import password
result = await password(
message="Enter your password:",
validate=lambda x: "Too short" if len(x) < 8 else None
from pyclack.prompts import select, Option
result = await select(
message="Choose a fruit:",
Option("apple", "Apple", "Sweet and crunchy"),
Option("banana", "Banana", "Yellow fruit")
from pyclack.prompts import multiselect, Option
result = await multiselect(
message="Select colors:",
Option("red", "Red"),
Option("blue", "Blue"),
Option("green", "Green")
from pyclack.prompts import confirm
result = await confirm(
message="Do you want to continue?",
from pyclack.prompts import spinner
import asyncio
# As context manager
async with spinner("Installing dependencies...") as spin:
await asyncio.sleep(1)
spin.update("Almost done...")
# As decorator
async def long_task():
await asyncio.sleep(2)
The utils.styling
module provides utilities for terminal styling:
from pyclack.utils.styling import Color
# Available colors
text = Color.cyan("Cyan text")
text ="Red text")
text ="Green text")
text = Color.yellow("Yellow text")
text ="Blue text")
text = Color.magenta("Magenta text")
text = Color.gray("Gray text")
# Text effects
text = Color.dim("Dimmed text")
text = Color.inverse("Inverse text")
text = Color.hidden("Hidden text")
text = Color.strikethrough("Strikethrough text")
All prompts support custom validation:
async def main():
result = await text(
message="Enter email:",
validate=lambda x: "Invalid email"
if not re.match(r"[^@]+@[^@]+\.[^@]+", x)
else None
from pyclack.prompts import text, is_cancel
async def main():
result = await text("Enter name:")
if is_cancel(result):
print("User cancelled")
PyClack automatically detects Unicode support and falls back to ASCII characters when needed:
from pyclack.utils.styling import is_unicode_supported
if is_unicode_supported():
# Use Unicode symbols
symbol = "◆"
# Use ASCII fallback
symbol = "*"
- Clone the repository:
git clone
cd pyclack
- Create a virtual environment:
python -m venv venv
source venv/bin/activate # Unix
venv\Scripts\activate # Windows
- Install development dependencies:
pip install -e ".[all]"
- Follow PEP 8 guidelines
- Include type hints for all functions
- Document all public APIs
- Write unit tests for new features
- Maintain Unicode fallbacks for all symbols
- Submit issues on GitHub
- Check the GitHub repository for updates
- Read the source code for detailed implementation