Welcome to goslink. This is a simple app to link upto 3 different realms gossip. If you have any problems email me at [email protected] and put in the subject "goslink" so I see it faster.
Setup: 1.Create an account on each board you want to link. Or if the same board 2 different accounts. 2.Disable ansi on both accounts permently(in account settings) 3.Enter the realm place the charaters in a safe place(sys supp) optional: To make to more seamless, I make the accounts invis, and hid them from topten lists. Also not required but I like to do is "setstatline none" keeps what the app sees cleaner and less noisy. 4.Extract goslink.rar file. 5.Copy config.properties-default to config.properties 6.Edit config.properties with your info for servers. 7.Launch goslink.exe/jar 8.Sit back and enjoy.
INFO: If you want to run this under a non GUI OS use noguigoslink.jar. You can also run this in a GUI OS but you wont ever see a window, and will have to kill the process to exit the program.
Remember if you want, I do accept paypal donations at [email protected].
Settings help...
server1name,server2name,server3name: The display name of the Server.
server1,server2,server3: Server ip address. Set to none to disable.
user1,user2,user3: User to to login into the board.
muser1,muser2,muser3: The mud user name in the game.
pass1,pass2,pass3: Password to the board account.
game1,game2,game3: Menu command to get to Mud.
puser: Login prompt when logging into server.
ppass: Password prompt when logging into board.
pmenu: Main menu prompt of board.
pmud: Major Mud prompt.(Rarely changed)
cleanup=Sorry to interrupt here, but the server will be shutting Cleanup message sent when warning users shutdown is comming.
time: Relog pause time. 0=none pause.
window: Display output window. False, will display no window you must kill the "javaw" process to close it.
deny: Use the the deny.txt file to deny users access to alignment commands(for pvp).
webchat: Enable webchat port, must be true for global chat.
webuser: Webchat port user.
webpass: Webchat password.
Optional Settings timestamp: Enable a time stamp in output window.
ansi: If set to true will send =a to enable ansi. For boards with no access to settings.
key: Used to verify server with global chat.
debug: Enable debug button, will allow full output from the bot.