Flask-Pusher is a wrapper around the official Pusher Python library pusher-http-python that adds Pusher support for a Flask application.
This extension lets you access all the methods in pusher-http-python
while still giving you the flexibility on how to configure and
instantiate the Pusher instance in a Flask-style.
The Pusher instance's JSON encoder and decoder also fallback to the app.json_encoder
if they are not specified.
$ pip install FlaskPusher
$ # NOT Flask-Pusher
The extension has been tested with Flask>=0.10
and pusher>=1.1
The following snippet shows how to add Flask-Pusher to a Flask application.
from flask_pusher import Pusher
app = Flask(__name__)
pusher = Pusher(app)
# Use any pusher.Pusher method.
pusher.trigger('channel', 'my-event', {'data': 'It works!'})
Or using the factory pattern:
from flask_pusher import Pusher
pusher = Pusher()
def create_app():
app = Flask(__name__)
# Use any pusher.Pusher method.
pusher.trigger('channel', 'my-event', {'data': 'It works!'})
In your Flask application configs, you can specify the following options. You can choose to provide zero or more of these options.
Option | Corresponding Argument |
PUSHER_APP_ID | app_id |
PUSHER_KEY | key |
PUSHER_SECRET | secret |
PUSHER_SSL | ssl |
PUSHER_HOST | host |
PUSHER_PORT | port |
PUSHER_CLUSTER | cluster |
PUSHER_BACKEND | backend |
PUSHER_JSON_ENCODER | json_encoder |
PUSHER_JSON_DECODER | json_decoder |
PUSHER_TIMEOUT | timeout |
For the description of the corresponding arguments, please refer to the pusher-http-python documentation.
You can also provide zero or more options as keyword arguments, just as
you would provide them for pusher-http-python
from flask_pusher import Pusher
app = Flask(__name__)
pusher = Pusher(app, secret='top-secret', ssl=False)
Works with init_app()
style as well:
from pusher.tornade import TornadoBackend
from flask_pusher import Pusher
pusher = Pusher()
pusher.init_app(app, cluster='eu', backend=TornadoBackend)
You can run the tests with: python setup.py test
Simplified BSD. See LICENSE.md for details.