patch (#1916)
* chore(husky): initialize
adding husky used for forcing conventional commits format
* chore(makefile): add misc. targets
add miscellenous target for mac-os target used for *_. files cleaning;
* chore(makefile): add setup target
add setup target for quicker project spin-up and development;
* chore(makefile): add misc. targets
add miscellenous target for MAKE target to signal completion;
* chore(changelog): initialize
add changelog support for the project.
* docs(code-style): initialize
add for developer guideline on code structure, format and expectation;
* docs(filesystem): initialize
add for developer guideline on project/filesystem used;
* chore(makefile): update heroku, dotenv, git
update targets for heroku (most) including secrets update (heroku-dev), targets for git (most)
including git-commit and git-setup, targets for dotenv-vault support (init);
* docs(_stash): rename
name change for to, containing stashed link resources used and encountered
through the development of this project.
* chore(prettier): delete
remove use of prettier from the project, unecessary opiniated code styling enforcing when project
uses its own styles enforced with eslint.
* chore(eslint): initialize
add EsLint for project, including package.json and `.vscode/settings.json` update for `auto-fix` on
save EsLint detected issues.
* docs( update
adding project badges
* chore(git): update .gitignore
add comments, update targets to ignore;
* chore(docker): update .dockerignore
updated for dotenv support;
* chore(custom-server): move and upgrade to TypeScript
changing the initial location for the custom-server files running under-the-hood for sveltekit into
* chore(boilerplate): add v7.Widget.svelte
add the latest v7.Widget.svelte boilerplate template;
* chore(dotenv): add .env.vault
initialize the use of the .env.vault for the project powered by dotenv;
* docs: update documentations
adding documentation such as: ``, ``, ``, `` and
`` related to the project.
* docs( update
updated and split sections into separate docs/ files, and keep as short and
information rich as possible.
* chore(git): update .gitignore
add to include the .env.example as part of git;
* chore(makefile): update targets
update make target fos (1) development (local) to include (dotenv), (2) heroku (prod) secrets
target, (3) dotenv cleaning, as well as minor documentation patch up;
* build(package.json): init dotenv
add dotenv-vault support for secrets decrypting on the fly;
* docs(.env.example): init
initialize example for secrets.
* chore(dotenv): update .env.vault
update to inlcude development;
* build(package-lock.json): update
bring up to speed
* chore(makefile): update targets
correcting some incorrect targets for heroku deployments;
* docs: update documentations
modified documentations for (1) ``, (2) `` for more concise setup;
* docs(changelog): initialize
* chore(makefile): update targets
updated Makefile targets for (1) heroku, merging the targets into dynamic argument accepting
targets, (2) dotenv (same as for heroku), (3) git, correct to use git-stash on pull-request update,
(4) miscellaneous, changelog-init target for generation, + other minor changes; other
documentation changes made also.
* docs(makefile): update Makefile targets
update Makefile targets for (1) logging, (2) ONESHELL use, (3) node-setup, (4) nvm-use
* chore(.nvmrc): init .nvmrc
initialize .nvmrc for correct node expected version
* feat: 1 (#1915)
Co-authored-by: acosta <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: migbash <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: acosta <[email protected]>