An awesome Swift HTTP library to rapidly create communication layers with API endpoints.
You can simply use SwiftHttp
as a dependency via the Swift Package Manager:
.package(url: "", from: "1.0.0"),
Add the SwiftHttp
product from the swift-http
package as a dependency to your target:
.product(name: "SwiftHttp", package: "swift-http"),
Import the framework:
import SwiftHttp
That's it.
It is really easy to setup a communication layer with an API endpoint.
import SwiftHttp
struct Todo: Codable {
let id: Int
let title: String
let completed: Bool
struct TodoApi: HttpCodablePipelineCollection {
let client: HttpClient = UrlSessionHttpClient(logLevel: .info)
let apiBaseUrl = HttpUrl(host: "")
func list() async throws -> [Todo] {
try await decodableRequest(
executor: client.dataTask,
url: apiBaseUrl.path("todos"),
method: .get
// api usage
let todos = try await api.list()
// curl log
// curl ""
The HttpClient provides the executors to perform data, download or upload tasks.
You can create decodable, encodable, codable or raw request when using a codable pipeline collection.
You can create raw HTTP requests using the HttpUrl and the HttpRawRequest type.
let url = HttpUrl(
scheme: "https",
host: "",
port: 80,
path: ["todos"],
resource: nil,
query: [:],
fragment: nil
let req = HttpRawRequest(
url: url,
method: .get,
headers: [:],
body: nil
/// execute the request using the client
let client = UrlSessionHttpClient(session: .shared, logLevel: .info)
let response = try await client.dataTask(req)
/// use the response data
let todos = try JSONDecoder().decode([Todo].self, from:
// response.statusCode == .ok
// response.headers -> response headers as a dictionary
You can use a specific HttpClient to execute a request using a data, download or upload task.
The HttpUrl type allows us to construct various URLs using a base URL.
let baseUrl = HttpUrl(host: "")
baseUrl.path("todos", String(1))
baseUrl.path("todos").query("foo", "bar")
"foo": "baz",
"bar": "1",
You can transform a HttpUrl object into a Foundation URL by using the .url
You can create a raw request object using a HttpUrl and a HttpMethod, including additional headers and a body data.
let url = HttpUrl(host: "localhost", path: ["login"])
let token: String = "valid-token"
let body = try JSONEncoder().encode([
"foo": "bar",
let req = HttpRawRequest(
url: url,
method: .post,
headers: [
.key(.authorization): "Bearer \(token)",
.custom("my-header"): "my-header-value",
body: body
curl "https://localhost/login/" \
-H 'my-header: my-header-value' \
-H 'Authorization: Bearer valid-token' \
-d '{"foo":"bar"}'
You can transform a HttpRequest into a URLReequest via the .urlRequest
You can print the cURL representation of a request by using the .curlString
property on a URLRequest object.
You can validate a response by using a HttpResponseValidator object.
// mock response
let response = HttpRawResponse(
statusCode: .ok,
headers: [
.key(.contentType): "application/json",
data: .init()
// check if the status code is between 200 and 299
let validator1 = HttpStatusCodeValidator() // -> (.ok), (.notFound), etc.
try validator1.validate(response)
// check if a header key exists and the value is equal to "application/json"
let validator2 = HttpHeaderValidator(.key(.contentType)) { value in
value == "application/json"
try validator2.validate(response)
// validate using multiple validators
let validation = HttpResponseValidation([validator1, validator2])
try validation.validate(response)
It is possible to check for multiple validation criterias using a HttpResponseValidation.
A pipeline allows you to transform a raw request and a raw response using a set of custom actions.
You can create your own HttpRequestTransformer object to add extra headers to your request and encode a custom body object to a data value.
You can create your own HttpResponseTransformer object to validate the response and decode a custom value from the response data.
The codable (encodable, decodable, codable) pipelines are a good example of this approach.