Laravel IpApi is a Laravel focused package that provides an easy way to get information about an IP address using the IpApi API.
You can install the package via composer:
composer require black-sheep-tech/laravel-ip-api
The package just works out of the box, but you can customize it to your liking.
// Set API Key fluently
$info = IpApi::geolocation()->apiKey('yourapikeyhere')->query('')->get();
// Set Base URL fluently
$info = IpApi::geolocation()->baseUrl('')->query('')->get();
You can set the following environment variables in your .env
For a more tailored configuration, you can publish the config file to your project by running the following command:
php artisan vendor:publish --provider="BlackSheepTech\IpApi\IpApiServiceProvider"
This will create a ip-api.php
file in your config
directory, where you can customize the package config to your liking.
The package comes with a built-in overusage protection feature that will prevent you from making excessive requests to the API getting you temporarily banned. But, of course, you can disable this feature by setting the "IP_API_OVERUSAGE_PROTECTION" environment variable to false.
It can also be disabled on the fly:
$info = IpApi::geolocation()->disableOverusageProtection()->query('')->get();
The package offers acess to both the geolocation and Batch APIs.
- Basic Usage
use BlackSheepTech\IpApi\IpApi;
$info = IpApi::geolocation()->query('')->get();
- Advanced Usage
//Return Format - can be json, xml, csv, line or php
$info = IpApi::geolocation()->query('')->format('json')->get();
//Return Fields - Supported fields can be found at
$info = IpApi::geolocation()->query('')->fields('countryCode,lat,lon,timezone,query')->get();
// or
$info = IpApi::geolocation()->query('')->fields(['countryCode', 'lat', 'lon', 'timezone', 'query'])->get();
//Return Language - Supported languages can be found at
$info = IpApi::geolocation()->query('')->language('es')->get();
- Return as Object
You can get the response as an object by doing the following:
$info = IpApi::geolocation()->query('')->get(true);
$info = IpApi::geolocation()->query('')->getAsObject();
//When using object return, the format provided is disregarded.
$info = IpApi::geolocation()->query('')->format('php')->getAsObject(); //->format('php') will be ignored and have no impact on the response.
- Basic Usage
use BlackSheepTech\IpApi\IpApi;
$entities = [
"query": ""
"query": ""
$info = IpApi::batch()->entities($entities)->get();
- Customized Return
use BlackSheepTech\IpApi\IpApi;
$entities = [
"query": "",
"fields": "country,countryCode,region,regionName,city,zip,lat,lon,timezone,isp,org,as,query",
"lang": "en",
"query": "",
"fields": "country,countryCode,region,regionName,city,zip,lat,lon,timezone,isp,org,as,query",
"lang": "en",
$info = IpApi::batch()->entities($entities)->get();
- Return as Object
You can get the response as an object by doing the following:
$entities = [
"query": ""
"query": ""
$info = IpApi::batch()->entities($entities)->get(true);
$info = IpApi::batch()->entities($entities)->getAsObject();
- PHP 8.0 or higher
- Laravel framework version 9.0 or higher
This package is open-sourced software licensed under the MIT license.
Contributions are welcome! Please feel free to submit a Pull Request on GitHub.