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Project Preview

Bloombasegif(1) (online-video-cutter com) (1)

Project Goal

The goal of this project is to create a way for users to interact with and leave notes on observations grabbed from the iNaturalist database of plant observations. The available user features include being able to rate observations based on bloom density, to leave field notes on blooms which can be viewed by other users, and add interests which allow users to filter which points are displayed on the map at that time.

Utilized tools

The project is created, with a mysql database and a py4web backend. The front end is done in Vue.js, with bulmacss and custom css styling. The project also uses the Google maps API to create dynamic maps with points that lead to data that users can interact with and create, as well as the iNaturalist API to fetch data points (observations).

To run the project, run py4web, and navigate to Bloombase/index.

py4web run apps

Database layout

Project Tables

The project consists of the following six tables:

  • Observations: Contains information about observations.
  • Field notes: Stores field notes related to the observations.
  • Users: Contains user data.
  • Liked: Tracks user likes on observations.
  • Interests: Stores user interests.
  • Observation densities: Tracks observation densities.

Table Relationships and Persistence

  • All tables, except for the Users table, are associated with observations in some way.
  • Likes and observation densities are removed when old observations are dropped from the database.
  • The interests and field notes tables persist even if observations are deleted, as they contain user-specific data that should remain intact.

Maps API usage

The project makes use of 4 separate map instances:

  1. Main Observation Map:
  • This map displays all observations.
  • It utilizes a marker clusterer for improved performance.
  • A listener is implemented on the map resize event to query points within the map's constraints.
  • Users can apply filters based on their interests to display relevant observations.
  • User location is prompted on initialization to set initial bounds.
  1. Field Notes Map:
  • This map displays field notes associated with a user.
  • It loads all points on initialization due to a smaller number of points.
  • No marker clusterer is used to reduce latency during scrolling.
  • User location is prompted on initialization to set initial bounds.
  1. Observations Modal Map:
  • This map is displayed in a modal component for individual observations.
  • It provides a more zoomed-out view and doesn't prompt for user location.
  • Re-querying for each resize event is not necessary as it displays only one observation.
  1. Species Modal Map:
  • This map is displayed in a modal component for species information.
  • Similar to the observations modal map, it doesn't prompt for user location.
  • Re-querying for each resize event is not necessary as it displays a small subset of observations. Please refer to the relevant code and implementation details for a more comprehensive understanding of the map instances.


Authentication is done by associating user accounts solely with an email. When a user seeks to sign in to an account, they are prompted to provide a valid email address. A link for them to follow is then generated, and in actual implementation would be sent to the provided email, allowing them to log in by clicking the provided link. In the current version, however, for the sake of demo purposes the link is instead printed to the console. Once a user follows that link they are signed in, without the need for an additional password.

iNaturalist API

iNaturalist API

The observations are pulled from the iNaturalist API.

UI work

UI Design with Figma


UI Design for Main Page

Bulma Framework


Pages used

Main page (index)

The main index page of the site contains the primary map in which all observations are listed, as well as the list of user interests, and the search bar for searching species to add to interests. The layout of this page consists of index.js and index.html, and is done using mostly Bulma css framework, with some custom css to manage resizing of map elements.

Observation popup modal

This popup displays the image, location, and density of the given observation. Of these fields, the users can add new field notes, or review field notes from other users, which is done through the javascript and adds these fields notes to the database tables. Additionally, the users can review the density of the observation, and see the overall rating for the density of the observation, which is the mean of all ratings for that observation. Additionally, this popup displays a map of the location of the observation, since a user could access this from the search view, which does not display location per observation. These density ratings are a separate database table tied to the observations table. This popup is accessed by an onclick either on the main map, or from a species in search.

Interest search field

This field queries the database for the species names that show up in observations that are currently in the table. The search checks for the user field in both the common and scientific name of species, and shows a list of those names without duplicates for repeated observations of the same species. The image used in the search list is fetched from current observations. The add interests dialog on the search allows a user to add a species to their interest via the search bar.

Interest search popup modal

This popup is opened on a click event from the interest search field and displays an aggrated view of all observations for that species. The popup displays a smaller map with all observations for that specific species, which can be clicked to open the abovementioned observation popup model. There are no user editable popups in this field, as it displays observations from the api and thus can't be added or removed.

Observation Map

This map makes up the most loaded map in the site, and contains all of the observations from the iNaturalist API. On init, this map either prompt the user for location data, and selects to a set zoom level outside that point, loading in the observations for that default view. Due to the high number of observations that need to be displayed as points, this map uses an event listener for the google maps resize event, and on each map resize event, queries the database for points within it's current bounds to display. After this, the map uses the markercluster library to group observations based on location to reduce visual clutter on further zoomed out view.

Profile page

This page contains the information for a single user, which is the username and the field notes created by that user.

Profile page map

This map displays all field notes created by a user. This map loads all points on init, since the amount of field note points is much less than the amount on the observations map.

Username change

Users can additionally change their display names from this page as well.

Admin page

This page allows site admins (currently everyone on the project), to update observation tables from the API. This page is for testing and loading purposes until an asynchronous script to pull observations is set up.

Current issues

There is currently not an asynchronous job set up to pull the observations from the api every day, so that is a task that needs to be performed manually by the admin users.

There is currently not a paid mail service set up with the login, thus the login must be accessed from the command line.