This is a repository for IntelliJ Platform SDK Documentation site.
##Reporting Bugs Please inform about any content inconsistencies, outdated materials, cosmetic issues, and other defects you find by submitting an issue to YouTrack.
##Working With the Site Locally To check out and run a local copy of the site follow the steps described below.
Make sure you have a git client installed
This site requires Ruby 2.0 or higher. Follow the official Ruby language download and installation instructions to get Ruby working on your machine.
This site requires Jekyll, a Ruby-based site generating framework. To install Jekyll refer to it's installation guidelines. Note: If you are using Windows, you can face some specific aspects while installing Jekyll. See this Run Jekyll on Windows Guide to get more information.
To check out the source code run the following command:
git clone
###Initializing Submodules
The site uses JetBrains custom web templates. To enable custom templates locally you need to initialize repository submodules. Run the following command in the checkout directory to do so.
git submodule update --init --remote
###Building and Previewing A set of Rake tasks, a Make-like programs implemented in Ruby, provides short commands to build and run the site locally.
####Building Site from Sources
- Make sure you are in a project root directory
- To build static site content run
rake build
- To start the web-server run
rake preview
- Open the address http://localhost:4000/intellij/sdk/docs/ in your browser. Note: Make sure you haven't change default Jekyll port during installation.