High-Energy Electrons Modulated By geomagnetic Pulsations
We use "Google C++ Style Guide" ref::https://google.github.io/styleguide/cppguide.html (Jp::https://ttsuki.github.io/styleguide/cppguide.ja.html#Doing_Work_in_Constructors)
You should put pre-push file(like pre-push file in pre-push_template directry) in ./git/hooks
and do the following
chmod 775 pre-push
for CMake
Super CMake tooooool
easy coding!
for PlantUML on VSCode
for document
for document
for graph(matplotlib)
(something for git)
Attention! if you use WSL2, you should install all software in WSL2.
for CMake
c++ compiler(ex.g++,clang10)
for PlantUML
for PlantUML
for Markdown Preview Enhanced
for graph(recommend installation via pip3)
for matplotlib(recommend installation via pip3)
for matplotlib(recommend installation via pip3)
Probably recommended by VSCode. Linter for python
usu md file in VSCode, Ctrl K →V(preview)
It is assumed that numpy and matplotlib are installed and Python Extension is installed on VSCode
Install VcXsrv(on Windows)
Execute xlaunch.exe
Choose multiple window
Start no client
write "-ac -nowgl" on Additional parameters for VcXsrv
Save configuration to somewhere(ex. Desktop)
Finish xlaunch
Windows key + r and type in shell:startup
A folder called Startup will open, so move the file created using xlaunch to this location
Open WSL2
Open ~/.bashrc
Add the following command to the last line of the opened .bashrc and save it.
export DISPLAY=$(cat /etc/resolv.conf | grep nameserver | awk '{print $2}'):0
- Run the following code on WSL2
sudo apt-get install python3-gi-cairo
- Reload WSL2
Run the following code on WSL2
sudo apt install python3-tk
sudo apt install tk-dev
reference https://qiita.com/ryoi084/items/0dff11134592d0bb895c https://qiita.com/masa-tu/items/20111878476bb97a9d07 https://qiita.com/optimisuke/items/bb47c4354d2513d1d173 https://ai-gaminglife.hatenablog.com/entry/2019/04/29/204841