Sci-kit learn에서 LDA만 따로 쓸려고 만들었습니다.
from LDAscikit import LDAprocess
from LDAscikit import Utils
- You can use requirements.txt
*** All data, which use in this package is based on DataFrame(pandas) ***
LDAexecute(DocWord, NumOfTopics,Verbose = 1, Max_iter = 10, TopicWordNomalization = True)
Output : DocTopic, TopicWord (Document-Topic matrix and Topic-Word matrix)
- DocWord : Document-Word matrix(filled with Term-frequencies)
- NumOfTopics : The number of topics
- Verbose : Vervosity level (0, 1)
- Max_iter : Max iteration (default : 10)
- TopicWordNomalization : boolean, (default : True)
Output : TopicInfo (Top 10 words and probabilities for each topic)
- TopicWord : Topic-Word matrix (Output of 'LDAexecute' method)
TopicDecision(DocWord, TopicNumFrom = 1, TopicNumTo = 10, CosineOrPerplexity = 0)
Output : Similarity of Perplexity for each topic
- DocWord : Document-Word matrix(filled with Term-frequencies)
- TopicNumFrom : The number of topics to explore start (default : 1)
- TopicNumTo : The number of topics to explore end (default : 10)
- CosineOrPerplexity : choose between 0(Cosine similarity), 1(Perplexity), 2(Both) (default : 0)
Term 1 Term 2 Document 1 (Term frequency) (Term frequency) Document 2 (Term frequency) (Term frequency) Document 3 (Term frequency) (Term frequency)
Document Term Term frequency Document 1 Term 1 (Term frequency) Document 2 Term 2 (Term frequency) Document 3 Term 3 (Term frequency)
Output : Matrix
- edgelist : Your edgelist
Output : edgelist
- matrix : Your matrix
WriteCSV(filename, matrix)
- filename : CSV file path to save the data
- matrix : A DataFrame to save
WriteXLSX(filename, matrix)
- filename : XLSX file path to save the data
- matrix : A DataFrame to save
ReadCSV(filename, delimiter, ind_col = None)
Output : pandas DataFrame
- filename : CSV file path to read
- delimiter : delimiter of the CSV file (such as ',', '\t', ...)
- ind_col : Index column number(if exist) (default : None)
ReadXLSX(filename, ind_col = None)
Output : pandas DataFrame
- filename : XLSX file path to read
- ind_col : Index column number(if exist) (default : None)