An easy to use Editor Tool for taking IMGUI screen shots for Editor Windows.
To use capture groups is quite simple. Using the GUILayout system you must surround your code with the CaptureGroup.Begin(string savePath)
and CaptureGroup.End()
. This will mark your region as a group to be captured.
To take the screen shots call CaptureGroup.PreformCaputre(EditorWindow window)
. This will then save all the captures to disk at their defined path.
Here is a block of example code
private class MyEditorWindow : EditorWindow
/// <summary>
/// Invoked by Unity to draw element for an editor window.
/// </summary>
public void OnGUI()
// Mark the start of a group
// Everything inside here will be in the picture.
GUILayout.Label("Hello World");
// The end of the picture.
// A button to invoke the capture process
if(GUILayout.Button("Preform Capture"))
// Start the capture.
To visualize the captures use the CaptureGroup.ShowDebug
option which will draw the green overlay.
- The option to take a full screen shot and instead of cropping it draw a GUIStyle around the element.