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A python script that facilitates API calls to WebODM's Texture Map and Point Cloud features. Author: Matthew Lai


Loading a folder of images

The console command to be used to load a folder of images, expressed as a path, to be processed by WebODM is as follows: curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"input": "{path}/*.JPG"}' http://localhost:9000/task where {path} is the absolute path to the folder containing images.

The output of this function is a JSON file titled data.json placed in the directory of the script by default.

data.json contains:

  • project_id: the id of the generated project.
  • task_id: the id of the generated task.
  • authentication: the authentication key to be used for all future API calls.

task_id will be -1 if the path given was invalid.

Retrieving a Point Cloud or a Texture Map

This command is intended to only be used after its respective task has been generated. Usage of this command also assumes that the respective task's data.json file is in the same working directory.

The console command to be used retrieve a Point Cloud is: curl -X GET -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"input": "data.json", "request": "pointcloud"}' http://localhost:9000/getfile

The console command to be used retrieve a Texture Map is: curl -X GET -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"input": "data.json", "request": "texturemap"}' http://localhost:9000/getfile

The output of this function is a JSON file titled filepath.json that, if successful, contains the absolute path to the file requested.

filepath.json contains:

  • error_code: the error code upon running the command, including success.
  • webodm_status: the WebODM task status if it exists, a reference for which can be found here. Empty if the task does not exist.
  • path: the absolute path to the requested file or folder, empty on failure.

Error Code Index:

Status Code Most Probable Cause
SUCCESS 0 Command executed successfully.
NO_PROJECT 1 No Project ID, likely because the image loading command failed.
NO_TASK 2 The task does not exist, potentially because it was cancelled externally.
NO_FILE 3 The requested file was not found, likely either because the file was never generated, or because the task itself has not yet completed. Refer to the webodm_status value accompanying this error code.
NO_JSON 4 An invalid data.json was provided.

To test this code, run to open up the port, and run the commands in a separate terminal.


Implementation of commands for API calls to WebODM






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