Maven plugin for creating bundle package of js and css files in Maven project.
This is a fork of
Inspired by:
- analyse input html file for special comment block, create bundle resource packages and outputs html file with bundled blocks. Bundled resources are concatenated, minimized, optimized and if requested checksum is computed and used with bundled filename. (see example below)
Property | Description | Sample Value |
inputFilePah | The path of a file to be optimized | ${project.basedir}/src/main/resources/index.html |
outputFilePath | The output path of the optimized file | ${}/index.html |
hashingAlgorithm | The algorithm used to generated hash of the file content to be used in the output file name Possible values: MD5 (default), SHA-1 , SHA-256 , SHA-384 , SHA-512 |
MD5 |
verbose | Whether to enable detailed output of the bundling process Default: false |
true |
cssOptimizer | The name of optimizer used to process CSS files. Possible values: simple (default), yui , none When choosing none , no optimization shall be performed. Contents from input files will just be concatenated and saved into the output file. |
simple |
jsOptimizer | The name of optimizer used to process CSS files. Possible values: simple (default), yui , none When choosing none , no optimization shall be performed. Contents from input files will just be concatenated and saved into the output file. |
simple |
munge | Should be true if the compressor should shorten local variable names when possible.Only works if jsOptimize is set toyui .Default: true |
true |
preserveAllSemiColons | Should be true if the compressor should preserve all semicolons in the code.Only works if jsOptimize is set toyui .Default: true |
true |
disableOptimizations | Should be true if the compressor should disable all micro optimizations. Only works if jsOptimize is set toyui .Default: true |
true |
Configure plugin:
Create source file ${project.basedir}/src/main/resources/index-dev.html
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<!-- bundle:js app-#hash#.min.js-->
<script src="js/lib.js"></script>
<script src="js/app.js"></script>
<!-- /bundle -->
<!-- bundle:css app-#hash#.min.css-->
<link href="css/lib.css"/>
<link href="css/app.css"/>
<!-- /bundle -->
After running plugin the result will be outputted to ${}/index.html
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<script src="app-0874ac8910c7b3d2e73da106ebca7329.min.js"></script>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="app-4971211a240c63874c6ae8c82bd0c88c.min.css" />
For CSS, it uses Barry van Oudtshoorn's CSSMin (, which is licensed under the BSD license.
For Javascript, it uses JSMin in wro4j (, which is licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0.
Bundled files are automatically concatenated and minimized with
YUI Compressor has some bugs when dealing with "data:svg+xml" values in CSS and doesn't support ES 6. You can have a try with it and see if it can work with your project.
If you want to perform an in-place bundling and replace the original html file in the output directory, please set both inputFilePah
and outputFilePath
to the file in the output directory and change the plugin execution phase to process-resources