This application performs a parallel port scan on a specified domain name or IP address. It checks a predefined list of common ports to determine if they are open or closed. The script utilizes multithreading to improve scanning efficiency by scanning multiple ports concurrently.
Efficient Port Scanning: The script efficiently scans for open ports on the target machine using a predefined list of common ports.
Parallel Execution: Leveraging multithreading with ThreadPoolExecutor, the script scans multiple ports simultaneously, reducing scan time.
Error Handling: Robust error handling ensures the script gracefully handles network errors and interruptions, providing a smoother scanning experience.
Input Validation: Validates user input to ensure it is a valid domain name or IP address, enhancing script reliability.
- Run the script and input the target domain name or IP address when prompted.
- The script will perform a parallel port scan on the target, displaying open ports as they are discovered.
- Python 3.x
- No additional libraries required.
$ python3
Enter the target domain or IP address:
Scanning target:
Port 80 OPEN
Port 443 OPEN