author: Félix Iglesias
contact: [email protected]
The TS index and the experiments here implemented are from the paper:
Iglesias Vázquez, F., Zseby, T. Temporal silhouette: validation of stream clustering robust to concept drift. Mach Learn (2023).
If you use Temporal Silhouette and/or the experiments described here, please cite the paper.
Experiments require the following general-purpose Python packages:
- numpy
- pandas
- scipy
- sklearn
- glob
- re
- sys
Stream clustering algoriths used are:
- Birch from sklearn
- DenStream from
- CluStream and Streamkm from
Incremental cvis are obtained from the package:
- cvi
Use TS in your codes by importing the "tempsil" function:
from TSindex import tempsil
# t: 1D-array with timestamps
# x: 2D-array with data vectors
# l: 1D-array with labels
# s: window-size of the simple-moving-average (SMA), default s=200
# kn: number-of-neighbors of other clusters for calculating beta, default kn=200
# c: sigma parameter to weight the penalization over contextual outliers [0...1], default=1
# k: 1D-array with cluster-labels
# ts2: 1D-array with quadratic cluster temporal silhouettes
# TS: global Temporal Silhuette
For a simple example, open a terminal and run:
$ python3 c
where "c" is a real number for the TS sigma parameter. In the paper, Section 4.6 uses this script for the examples, with c=1 and c=0.
Synthetic datasets are located within the [dataS] folder. They are also publicly available in Mendeley:
“Data for Evaluation of Stream Data Analysis Algorithms”. Mendeley Data, V1, doi: 10.17632/c43kr4t7h8.1,
The clean (without outliers) versions and the versions with out-of-phase outliers are created online during the runing of the experiments
Real datasets are located within the [dataR] folder (they are preprocessed versions in arff format). Original data has been obtained from:
kaggle - Retail and Retailers Sales Time Series Collection:
Gapminder data repository - Fertility vs Income:
Stationary datasets are located within the [dataT] folder (they are preprocessed versions in arff format). Original data has been obtained from:
Clustering Basic Benchmark of the University of Eastern Finland (Fränti and Sieranoja, 2018):
- s1 (Fränti and Virmajoki, 2006)
- unbalance2b (based on the umbalance2 dataset (Rezaei and Fränti, 2020)
- d64 (Fränti et al, 2006).
The noise dataset has been created with the MDCgen tool (Iglesias et al, 2019):
Fränti P, Sieranoja S (2018) K-means properties on six clustering benchmark datasets. Applied Intelligence 48(12):4743–4759
Fränti P, Virmajoki O (2006) Iterative shrinking method for clustering problems. Pattern Recognition 39(5):761–765
Rezaei M, Fränti P (2020) Can the number of clusters be determined by external indices? IEEE Access 8:89,239–89,257
Fränti P, Virmajoki O, Hautamäki V (2006) Fast agglomerative clustering using a k-nearest neighbor graph. IEEE Trans on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence 28(11):1875–1881
Iglesias F, Zseby T, Ferreira D, Zimek A (2019) Mdcgen: Multidimensional dataset generator for clustering. Jour of Classification 36(3):599–618
For the synthetic data, open a terminal in the current folder. Run:
$ python3
A results_synthetic.csv file will be created in the [results/] folder.
For the real data, open a terminal in the current folder. Run:
$ python3
Three files (fert_vs_gdp_labels.csv, results_real.csv and retail_labels.csv) will be created in the [results/] folder.
Warning! The [results/] folder already contain files with the results published in the paper. Remove, rename or copy these files in a different folder before running the scripts; otherwise, results will be appended in the synthetic case and overwriten in the real case.
4. Comparing performances of CVIs/iCVIs of stream clustering performances over datasets with concept drift
For a comparison with the Ground Truth (GT) as benchmark:
$ python3 utils/ results/results_synthetic.csv gt
For a comparison with the best clustering according to external validation (AMI) as benchmark:
$ python3 utils/ results/results_synthetic.csv ami
To visualize the performances of the stream clustering algorithms used in real data cases, run:
$ python3 utils/ dataR/retail.arff results/retail_labels.csv
$ python3 utils/ dataR/fert_vs_gdp.arff results/fert_vs_gdp_labels.csv
Open a terminal in the current folder. Run:
$ python3
A results_stationary.csv file will be created in the [results/] folder. You can plot these results as heatmaps by running:
$ python3 utils/ results/results_stationary.csv
It will create the following figures in the [results/] folder: noise.pdf, unbalanced2b.pdf, s1.pdf, d64.pdf.
Open a terminal in the current folder. Run:
$ python3
A results_TSstability.csv file will be created in the [results/] folder. You can plot these results as boxplots by running:
$ python3 utils/ results/results_TSstability.csv
It will create the TS_stab.pdf figure in the [results/] folder.