Fortran source for ICM-Hydro
original documentation for ICM-Hydro is in: Meselhe, E.; McCorquodale, J.A.; Shelden, J.; Dortch, M.; Brown, T.S.; Elkan, P.; Rodrigue, M.D.; Schindler, J.K., and Wang, Z., 2013. Ecohydrology component of Louisiana’s 2012 Coastal Master Plan: mass-balance compartment model. In: Peyronnin, N. and Reed, D. (eds.), Louisiana’s 2012 Coastal Master Plan Technical Analysis, Journal of Coastal Research, Special Issue No. 67, 16–28. Coconut Creek (Florida), ISSN 0749-0208.
refer to for details on model uses and analysis
for technical reports on model development and analyses refer to:
Chapter 3 is the primary chapter discussing ICM model components:
Attachment 3-23 includes description of calibration/validation of the ICM-Hydro component:
Attachment 3-1 is the description of the sediment distribution algorithms in ICM-Hydro: