You must have Python 3. You can get it from
You must have PyQt5 installed.
Most Linux distributions offer it as a package. It can be installed on Windows and Mac via PIP.
Simply run
This can be done with the command python3. For example:
"cd /path/to/script"
CalCorrupt is distributed under the GNU GPL-3.0-or-later.
- Choose which bytes to corrupt on an interval.
- Choose starting and ending byte.
- Choose chance of corruption occuring on a byte
- Different types of corruption:
- Increment
- Multiply
- Power (x to the v)
- Exponent (v to the x)
- Log
- Invert (v - x)
- Bitshift
- Byteshift (shifting byte order)
- Randomize
- Length of file in bytes is shown
- Toggle whether corruptions stack (applied successively as opposed to replacing each other)
- Random fuzz value can be added to corruption value