This is a simple local https server.
It was initially created in order to be able to use certain js front-end functionalities which require the https protocol to operate, such as the browser sensor API. Connecting to this url will be considered non-private or dangerous by browsers.
git clone
cd node-local-https-dev-server/
npm i
At this point the last thing you need to do is create certificate and its private key using mkcert.
Install mkcert:
- On Windows with choco for example
choco install mkcert
- On macOS with Homebrew
brew install mkcert
brew install nss # if you use Firefox
- On Linux with Homebrew
// TODO => see
Once installed
mkcert -install
Then nvaigate to the root of the folder of this repo and run:
mkcert localhost
Two Files in .pem should now be created.If they are now already named like follow, rename the certificate as "localhost.pem" and the key as "localhost-key.pem", you can also modify app.js if you don't want to rename them.
Thats it ! Now you can put your html/css/js files in public/ folder. No need to update file path
PS: note that this repo is for now only for small projects and complex folder structure may not work.
To start the https server run
node ./app.js
You can access your project in