Pytorch implementation of paper Preserving Full Degradation Details for Blind Image Super-Resolution.
- Install python 3.8.0, torch 2.0.0, CUDA 11.7 and other essential packages (Note that using other versions of packages may affect performance).
- Clone this repo
git clone
cd ReDSR
test setting1: model trained only on isotropic Gaussian blur kernels
test setting2: model trained on anisotropic Gaussian blur kernels and additive Gaussian noise
Get into evaluation codes folder './TEST/TEST_setting1'
cd ./TEST/TEST_setting1
We provide pretrained models in './checkpoints/'. Before testing, specify the model checkpoint in 'test.yml'.
DANET_CHECKPOINT: './checkpoints/setting1/setting1_ckp.tar'
Or change the path with your own absolute path
Run ''
Get into training codes folder './TRAIN/TRAIN_setting1'
cd ./TRAIN/TRAIN_setting1
Specify the dataset path in 'train.yml'
data: clean_dir: './datasets/div2k'
Or change the path with your own dataset absolute path
Run ''